[gnu.emacs.bug] Gnu-emacs version 18.54, X11, arrow keys, Sun 3

Timothy.Freeman@PROOF.ERGO.CS.CMU.EDU (08/10/89)

When I'm using Emacs on a Sun 3 under X11, I would like the keys on
the application keypad to send unique escape sequences.  This isn't
the case for emacs version 18.54, becuase the arrow keys send control
codes.  For instance, Uparrow (R8) sends a control-p which I cannot
distinguish from a real control-p.  Assuming that someone really wants
the arrow keys to send control characters, I added an optional command
line argument to gnu-emacs that makes the arrow keys send the same
codes they do on a Sun Console.  The diffs are below.  You may want to
make the change differently; maybe you'll want to call the command
line flag something other than "-cck", or maybe you'll want to make
the change manditory instead of having a command line argument.

Change to src/x11term.c:

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--- /tmp/getb5006	Tue Aug  8 01:50:14 1989
*** 1,3 ****
--- 1,7 ----
+ /* This version modified so the -cck option when running Emacs on a
+    Sun makes the arrow keys behave like they used to.
+    Modified - Tim Freeman (tsf@cs.cmu.edu) 7 August 1989 */
  /* This version - modified to acknowledge
     the option "-wn WPE"
     as a special option which forces the use of the
*** 211,216 ****
--- 215,226 ----
  static char  *temp_borderWidth;
  static char  *temp_internalBorder;
+ #ifdef sun
+ int ConsoleCompatibleKeyboard;     /* Whether to make the arrow keys behave like they do on the console.
+ 				     If true, they generate escape [ X, for X=A, B, C, D.
+ 				     If false, they generate control X, for X=n, p, b, f (not necessarily corresponding). */
+ #endif
  struct _xdeftab 
    char *iname;			/* instance name */
*** 1357,1379 ****
  	nbytes = strlen(mapping_buf);
        else {
! 	switch (keysym) {
! 	case XK_Left:
! 	  strcpy(mapping_buf,"\002");
! 	  nbytes = 1;
! 	  break;
! 	case XK_Right:
! 	  strcpy(mapping_buf,"\006");
! 	  nbytes = 1;
! 	  break;
! 	case XK_Up:
! 	  strcpy(mapping_buf,"\020");
! 	  nbytes = 1;
! 	  break;
! 	case XK_Down:
! 	  strcpy(mapping_buf,"\016");
! 	  nbytes = 1;
! 	  break;
        if (nbytes) {
--- 1367,1410 ----
  	nbytes = strlen(mapping_buf);
        else {
! 	if (ConsoleCompatibleKeyboard) {
! 	  switch (keysym) {
! 	  case XK_Left:
! 	    strcpy(mapping_buf,"\033[D");
! 	    nbytes = 3;
! 	    break;
! 	  case XK_Right:
! 	    strcpy(mapping_buf,"\033[C");
! 	    nbytes = 3;
! 	    break;
! 	  case XK_Up:
! 	    strcpy(mapping_buf,"\033[A");
! 	    nbytes = 3;
! 	    break;
! 	  case XK_Down:
! 	    strcpy(mapping_buf,"\033[B");
! 	    nbytes = 3;
! 	    break;
! 	  }
! 	} else {
! 	  switch (keysym) {
! 	  case XK_Left:
! 	    strcpy(mapping_buf,"\002");
! 	    nbytes = 1;
! 	    break;
! 	  case XK_Right:
! 	    strcpy(mapping_buf,"\006");
! 	    nbytes = 1;
! 	    break;
! 	  case XK_Up:
! 	    strcpy(mapping_buf,"\020");
! 	    nbytes = 1;
! 	    break;
! 	  case XK_Down:
! 	    strcpy(mapping_buf,"\016");
! 	    nbytes = 1;
! 	    break;
! 	  }
        if (nbytes) {
*** 1536,1541 ****
--- 1567,1575 ----
  	visible_bell = 1;
  	inverse_video = 0;
  	configure_pending = 0;
+ #ifdef sun
+ 	ConsoleCompatibleKeyboard = 0;
+ #endif
  	fix_screen_hook = xfixscreen;
  	clear_screen_hook = XTclear_screen;
*** 1650,1655 ****
--- 1684,1696 ----
+ #ifdef sun
+ 		if (xxargc && !strcmp (*xxargv, "-cck")) {
+ 			ConsoleCompatibleKeyboard = 1;
+ 			xxargc--;
+ 			xxargv++;
+ 		}
+ #endif
  		if ((xxargc > 1) && (!strcmp (*xxargv, "-font") ||
  				     !strcmp (*xxargv, "-fn"))) {

Changes to lisp/term/x11-win.el.  The second change described here was
only necessary for us because our .el files and our .c files seem to
be from different versions of emacs.  You probably will only need to
do the first change.

*** /tmp/geta5030	Tue Aug  8 01:54:01 1989
--- /tmp/getb5030	Tue Aug  8 01:54:02 1989
*** 19,25 ****
  ;; and this notice must be preserved on all copies.
  (setq command-switch-alist
!       (append '(("-r" . ignore)
  		("-i" . ignore)
  		("-font" . xignore)
  		("-fn" . xignore)
--- 19,26 ----
  ;; and this notice must be preserved on all copies.
  (setq command-switch-alist
!       (append '(("-cck" . ignore)
! 		("-r" . ignore)
  		("-i" . ignore)
  		("-font" . xignore)
  		("-fn" . xignore)
*** 38,44 ****
  (defun xignore (&rest ignore)
    (setq command-line-args-left (cdr command-line-args-left)))
! (if (not (null xterm))
        (require 'x-mouse)
        (put 'suspend-emacs 'disabled
--- 39,46 ----
  (defun xignore (&rest ignore)
    (setq command-line-args-left (cdr command-line-args-left)))
! ;; Don't know where the variable named "xterm" went to.
! (if t ; (not (null xterm))
        (require 'x-mouse)
        (put 'suspend-emacs 'disabled