[net.games.rogue] passwords etc

flick@ttidca.UUCP (Kevin Flick) (12/12/84)

<the line ducked. ---more--- >

Chuck says:-

>				[the password] gave you unlimited power to
>create things, move around , and such like so that the game was entirely no
>				I can't vouch for 5.x or superrogue or
>PC-rogue, but it general when one gets the "ability" to win at rogue by 
>essentially cheating it rather sours the effect.

It sounds like one hell of a lot of fun to *me*. It is the rogue version
of winning the lottery/pools.

			(BTW if anyone can tell me ...)
							    Kevin Flick @ TTI
								 Santa Monica

			...!{randvax | trwrb | philabs | vortex}!ttidca!flick