[uk.jobs] Job Wanted

danderso@cs.strath.ac.uk (David J Anderson IE88) (03/14/91)

      I am due to graduate soon and am looking for a good job.

      Systems Engineer/Assembly Programmer/Computer Architect Job Sought

      Location: U.K. / U.S. / E.C.

      24 year old student due to graduate in June with

         B.Sc.(Honours) in Information Engineering
               specialised in Industrial Automation and
                              Computer Architecture

      10 years experience programming in assembly (Z80 then 68000) -
      4 of these years with two top entertainment software houses on a
      full time basis (details on application).

      Additional experience with "C" in multi-tasking environment. Some
      Pascal experience. Some exposure to X windows programming and Unix.

      Good knowledge of low-level programming, machine interfacing, graphics,
      HCIs, and associated PC architectures.

      Interested in Automated Systems, Robotics, Control Systems, AI for any
      of the affore mentioned, Graphics and Simulation, Embedded Systems.

      Enthusiastic Individual with LOTS of natural ability.

      Only genuinely interested replies please, to


 David J. Anderson             ".. And we shall go to the moon, and do the
 Information Engineering          other things - not because they are easy -
 University of Strathclyde        but because they are hard!"
 Glasgow, U.K.                                               - JFK