csa07@seq1.keele.ac.uk (Neil H White) (03/21/91)
University of Keele M.Sc. / Diploma in MACHINE PERCEPTION AND NEUROCOMPUTING A one year course is to be offered by the University of Keele starting in October, 1991. It will be taught by the Departments of Communication and Neuroscience, Computer Science and Mathematics. It will consist of six months of lectures and a six months project, many in industry. Topics covered: Preliminaries in computer science, mathematics and biology; pattern recognition, neural network and statistical approaches; applications, especially in speech and vision. Studentships are available from the Training Education & Enterprise Directorate. The course is supported by British Telecom, British Aerospace, Marconi, Shell, IBM, RSRE and others. Further information is available from Dr.W.A.Ainsworth, Department of Communication and Neuroscience, University of Keele, Keele, Staffordshire, ST5 5BG, U.K. Telephone 0782 621111 ext.3251, email w.a.ainsworth@uk.ac.keele on JANET.