[gnu.emacs] help with implementation of a minor mode

mende@constance.rutgers.edu (Bob Mende Pie) (06/01/88)

   I need to know how to implement a true minor mode in gnuemacs
18.51.  I want it to NOT interfere with any of gnuemacs's
functionality such as overwrite/fill and other minor modes.  I do not
want to have to rebind half of the keyboard to if-mode-on switches.
What I want to do is have emacs automaticly execute some function if a
minor mode is t (minor mode is set in minor-mode-alist) (gee, this is
what minor modes are for).  I need my function to be evaluated before
the key that I press is evaluated.  At no time do I plan to interfere
with the default action of the key.  What is the proper and/or best
way to do this.   If anyone knows how to do it, or if it cant be done
(that will disappoint me to no end) please tell me...


					/Bob mende...
{...}!rutgers!mende	  mende@aramis.rutgers.edu	   mende@zodiac.bitnet

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