[gnu.emacs] MicroEmacs -- loading commands from file

nwd@j.cc.purdue.edu (Daniel Lawrence) (09/16/88)

In article <91@sunset.MATH.UCLA.EDU> tadpole@math.ucla.edu (Tad White) writes:
>What's the trick to getting MicroEmacs 3.8b to load .emacsrc files?
>Mine hangs up when it gets to the 'bind-to-key' instruction.  Any

	When emacs stops executing the startup file, call it up as the
current buffer (its in there). The line the cursor is on has a syntax error.

			Daniel Lawrence		(317) 742-5153
			UUCP:	{ihnp4!pur-ee!}j.cc.purdue.edu!nwd
			ARPA:	nwd@j.cc.purdue.edu
			FIDO:	1:201/2 The Programmer's Room (317) 742-5533