[gnu.emacs] resuming a suspended emacs, etc.

jbw@bucsb.UUCP (Joe Wells) (10/02/88)

Here is an interface to GNU Emacs that will either start a new emacs
process if none is already running, or will pass the command line
arguments to an existing emacs process.  This includes a csh alias and
emacs-lisp code.

To resume a running process, the alias either calls emacsclient to
talk to an emacs server, or uses the csh fg command to resume a
stopped job.  If it resumes a stopped job, it puts the command line
arguments in a file.  To start a new process, the alias determines if
you are running under a windowing system or not.

The emacs-lisp code is only used when resuming a stopped job.  It will
process any contents of a certain file as though they were command
line arguments.

Joe Wells
INTERNET: jbw%bucsf.bu.edu@bu-it.bu.edu
UUCP: ...!harvard!bu-cs!bucsf!jbw

;; Process command line arguments from within a suspended Emacs job
;; Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

;; This file is not yet part of GNU Emacs, but soon will be.

;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.  No author or distributor
;; accepts responsibility to anyone for the consequences of using it
;; or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all,
;; unless he says so in writing.  Refer to the GNU Emacs General Public
;; License for full details.

;; Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
;; GNU Emacs, but only under the conditions described in the
;; GNU Emacs General Public License.   A copy of this license is
;; supposed to have been given to you along with GNU Emacs so you
;; can know your rights and responsibilities.  It should be in a
;; file named COPYING.  Among other things, the copyright notice
;; and this notice must be preserved on all copies.

;; by Joe Wells
;; jbw@bucsf.bu.edu (school year)
;; joew%uswest@boulder.colorado.edu (summer)

;; Stephan Gildea suggested bug fix (gildea@bbn.com).
;; Ideas from Michael DeCorte and other people.

;; For csh users, insert the following alias in your .cshrc file
;; (after removing the leading double semicolons):
;;# The following line could be just EMACS=emacs, but this depends on
;;# your site.
;;set EMACS=/usr/public/xxemacs
;;set EMACS_PATTERN="^\[[0-9]\]  . Stopped ............ $EMACS"
;;alias emacs \
;;' \\
;;   jobs >! /tmp/jobs$$ \\
;;   && grep "$EMACS_PATTERN" /tmp/jobs$$ >& /dev/null \\
;;   && echo `pwd` \!* >! ~/.emacs_args && eval "%$EMACS" \\
;;|| test -S ~/.emacs_server && emacsclient \!* \\
;;|| test "$?DISPLAY" = 1 && eval "\$EMACS -i \!* &" \\
;;|| test "$?WINDOW_PARENT" = 1 && eval "emacstool -f emacstool-init \!* &" \\
;;|| eval "\$EMACS -nw \!*"'
;; The alias works as follows:
;; 1. If there is a suspended emacs jobs that is a child of the
;; current shell, place its arguments in the ~/.emacs_args file and
;; resume it.
;; 2. Else if the ~/.emacs_server socket has been created, presume an
;; emacs server is running and attempt to connect to it.  If no emacs
;; server is listening on the socket, this will fail.
;; 3. Else if the DISPLAY environment variable is set, presume we are
;; running under X Windows and start a new X Gnu Emacs process in the
;; background.
;; 4. Else if the WINDOW_PARENT environment variable is set, presume we
;; are running under Sunview and Suntools and start an emacstool
;; process in the background.
;; 5. Else start a regular emacs process.
;; Notes:
;; "test -S" checks if a unix domain socket by that name exists.
;; The output of the "jobs" command is not piped directly into "grep"
;; because that would run the "jobs" command in a subshell.
;; Before resuming a suspended emacs, the current directory and all
;; command line arguments are placed in a file.
;; The command to run emacs is always preceded by a \ to prevent
;; possible alias loops.
;; The "-nw" switch in the last line is is undocumented, and it means
;; no windowing system.

;; Insert this in your .emacs file:
;;(setq suspend-resume-hook 'resume-process-args)
;;(setq suspend-hook 'empty-args-file)
;;(autoload 'empty-args-file "resume")
;;(autoload 'resume-process-args "resume")

;; Finally, put this in a file named "resume.el" in a lisp library
;; directory.

(defvar emacs-args-file (expand-file-name "~/.emacs_args")
  "*This file is where arguments are placed for a suspended emacs job.")

(defvar emacs-args-buffer " *Command Line Args*"
  "Buffer that is used by resume-process-args.")

(defun resume-process-args ()
  "This should be called from inside of suspend-resume-hook.  This
grabs the contents of the file whose name is stored in
emacs-args-file, and processes these arguments like command line
  (let ((start-buffer (current-buffer))
	(args-buffer (get-buffer-create emacs-args-buffer))
	length args)
	  (set-buffer args-buffer)
	  ;; get the contents of emacs-args-file
	  (condition-case ()
	      (let ((result (insert-file-contents emacs-args-file)))
		(setq length (car (cdr result))))
	    ;; the file doesn't exist, ergo no arguments
	      (setq length 0)))
	  (if (<= length 0)
	      (setq args nil)
	    ;; get the arguments from the buffer
	    (goto-char (point-min))
	    (while (not (eobp))
	      (skip-chars-forward " \t\n")
	      (let ((begin (point)))
		(skip-chars-forward "^ \t\n")
		(setq args (cons (buffer-substring begin (point)) args)))
	      (skip-chars-forward " \t\n"))
	    ;; arguments are now in reverse order
	    (setq args (nreverse args))
	    ;; make sure they're not read again
	  (write-buffer-to-file (current-buffer) emacs-args-file)
	  ;; if nothing was in buffer, args will be null
	  (or (null args)
	      (setq default-directory (file-name-as-directory (car args))
		    args (cdr args)))
	  ;; actually process the arguments
	  (command-line-1 args))
      ;; If the command line args don't result in a find-file, the
      ;; buffer will be left in args-buffer.  So we change back to the
      ;; original buffer.  The reason I don't just use
      ;; (let ((default-directory foo))
      ;;    (command-line-1 args))
      ;; in the context of the original buffer is because let does not
      ;; work properly with buffer-local variables.
      (if (eq (current-buffer) args-buffer)
	  (set-buffer start-buffer)))))

(defun empty-args-file ()
  "This empties the contents of the file whose name is specified by
    (set-buffer (get-buffer-create emacs-args-buffer))
    (write-buffer-to-file (current-buffer) emacs-args-file)))

(defun write-buffer-to-file (buffer file)
  "Writes the contents of BUFFER into FILE, if permissions allow."
  (if (not (file-writable-p file))
      (error "No permission to write file %s" file))
    (set-buffer buffer)
      (write-region (point-min) (point-max) file nil 'quiet))
    (set-buffer-modified-p nil)))