[gnu.emacs] Manual for Gnu-Emacs Lisp

arl@uk.ac.warwick.cs (Ade Lovett) (01/13/89)

Being a poor unfortunate in the United Kingdom, I don't have FTP to get the
GNU Emacs manual from one of the sites in the US. Does anyone in the UK have
the source to this manual so's I can REALLY get stuck in to EMACS...

If you do have the manual, please reply via mail so I can choose the nearest
site as I am told that we have to pay for incoming mail if it comes from
outside of JANET.

Thanks for your cooperation.


Ade Lovett (Dept. Of Computer Science, University of Warwick, UK)
LOCAL: arl@opal                   JANET: arl@uk.ac.warwick
UUCP : ...!mcvax!ukc!warwick!arl  ARPA : arl%warwick@cs.ucl.ac.uk
       (arl@warwick.uucp)         EARN : arl%uk.ac.warwick@UKACRL