[gnu.emacs] show-time.el: a time-wasting display hack

merlyn@intelob.intel.com (Randal L. Schwartz @ Stonehenge) (01/26/89)

Here's a cute little time-waster I came up with a while ago.  Great
thing to leave your terminal with (insecurely)... makes it the world's
most expensive and least portable digital watch.

If you define 'you-have-mail-p', and it returns non-nil when you have
mail, this screen hack will make use of that knowledge.

See comments for other details.

Flames by email... (if your mailer can get to me, sheesh...)
Randal L. Schwartz, Stonehenge Consulting Services (503)777-0095
on contract to BiiN (for now :-), Hillsboro, Oregon, USA.
ARPA: <@iwarp.intel.com:merlyn@intelob.intel.com> (fastest!)
MX-Internet: <merlyn@intelob.intel.com> UUCP: ...[!uunet]!tektronix!biin!merlyn
Standard disclaimer: I *am* my employer!
"Welcome to Oregon... home of the California Raisins!"

--- CUT HERE (no .signature at end, I hope) ---
;;; A little display hack by merlyn
;;; LastEditDate="Fri Nov 25 10:07:40 1988"

;;; Notes:
;;; * format of (current-time-string) must be something like UNIX ctime(3).
;;; * if defined, (you-have-mail-p) returning non-nil will be noticed.
;;; * tcp service "quote" provides the cute remarks -- you might have to
;;;   replace it with a call to "fortune" or "yow" if unavailable

(defun show-time (&optional sleeptime)
  "Display the current time repeatedly in large characters.
Optional SLEEPTIME gives number of seconds between updates (default is
5 seconds).  Any input pending terminates the loop, and restores the
original screen configuration (if the input is a space character, it
is discarded).  If SLEEPTIME is negative, append a cute quote to the
  (interactive "P")
  (setq sleeptime (cond ((null sleeptime) 5)
			((eq sleeptime '-) -10)
			(t (prefix-numeric-value sleeptime))))
    (switch-to-buffer-other-window (generate-new-buffer " show-time"))
	  (set (make-local-variable 'mode-line-inverse-video) inverse-video)
	  (setq mode-line-format "")
		(insert "At the tone, the time will be...\n\n")
		(let* ((ctime (current-time-string))
		       (ignore (string-match "\\(..\\):\\(..\\):\\(..\\)"
		       (hms (mapcar
			      (lambda (n)
				(string-to-int (substring ctime
							  (match-beginning n)
							  (match-end n)))))
			     '(1 2 3))))
		  (show-time-banner (format "    %d:%02d:%02d %s"
					    (1+ (% (+ (nth 0 hms) 11) 12))
					    (nth 1 hms)
					    (nth 2 hms)
					    (if (< (nth 0 hms) 12)
		(message (or (and (fboundp 'you-have-mail-p)
				  "You have mail.")
		 ((< sleeptime 0)
		  (insert "\n\n")
		  (let ((prc (open-network-stream
			      "Quote" nil (system-name) "quote")))
		    (set-marker (process-mark prc) (point-marker))
		    (backward-char 1)
		      (lambda (prc txt)
			(let* ((pm (process-mark prc))
			       (buf (marker-buffer pm))
			       (pos (marker-position pm))
			       (md (match-data)))
			      (if buf
				    (set-buffer buf)
				    (goto-char pos)
				    (insert txt)
				      (narrow-to-region pos (point))
				      (goto-char (point-min))
				      (while (re-search-forward
					      "\^M" nil t)
					(replace-match ""))
				      (goto-char (point-min))
				      (while (re-search-forward
					      "[ -~]\^H" nil t)
					(replace-match "")
					(if (> (point) (point-min))
					    (backward-char 1)))
				      (set-marker pm (point-max)))))
			    (store-match-data md)))))))
		  (sit-for (- sleeptime)))
		 (t (sit-for sleeptime))))))
      (kill-buffer (current-buffer))))
  (and (input-pending-p)
       (= 32 (setq unread-command-char (read-char)))
       (setq unread-command-char -1))
  (sit-for 0))

(defun show-time-banner (string)
  "Insert STRING as tall characters over the next five lines.
Presumes point is already at the beginning of a line.
Used by show-time."
     (lambda (line)
	 (lambda (char)
	   (let ((this-char (assq char show-time-banner-chars)))
	     (if this-char (nth line this-char) ""))))
	" ")))
    '(1 2 3 4 5)

(defconst show-time-banner-chars
  '((?0 " 000 "
	"0   0"
	"0   0"
	"0   0"
	" 000 ")
    (?1 "  1  "
	" 11  "
	"  1  "
	"  1  "
    (?2 "2222 "
	"    2"
	" 222 "
	"2    "
    (?3 "3333 "
	"    3"
	" 333 "
	"    3"
	"3333 ")
    (?4 "    4"
	"   44"
	"  4 4"
	" 4444"
	"    4")
    (?5 "55555"
	"5    "
	"5555 "
	"    5"
	"5555 ")
    (?6 " 666 "
	"6    "
	"6666 "
	"6   6"
	" 666 ")
    (?7 "77777"
	"    7"
	"   7 "
	"   7 "
	"   7 ")
    (?8 " 888 "
	"8   8"
	" 888 "
	"8   8"
	" 888 ")
    (?9 " 999 "
	"9   9"
	" 9999"
	"    9"
	" 999 ")
    (?: "::"
	"  "
    (?\040 "  "
	   "  "
	   "  "
	   "  "
	   "  ")
    (?A " AA "
	"A  A"
	"A  A"
	"A  A")
    (?M "M   M"
	"MM MM"
	"M M M"
	"M   M"
	"M   M")
    (?P "PPPP "
	"P   P"
	"PPPP "
	"P    "
	"P    "))
  "An alist of (char . (5-strings)) used by show-time-banner.
All 5 strings must be the same length for any given character,
and in top-to-bottom order.")