[gnu.emacs] Diffs between Franz and Emacs

pjw@uk.ac.warwick.cs (Phil Wilkins) (02/03/89)

  What I want to know is;

What are the differences between emacslisp, and Franzlisp. The idea is
to simulate franz in emacs, using something like lisp-interaction-mode
as the interface. Of course, if anyone out there has already written
the code ... 

(Hmm, looks like if no-one's written it, then I'm going to have to,
which will involve learning both, ahh well, got to do it sometime :-)

Phil W


|  Theoretically I can be contacted thus, but don't bet on it...            |
|Email: pjw@cs.warwick.ac.uk (once you can get the thing as far as Europe)  |
|Snail: Phil Wilkins, CS Department, University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL|