[gnu.emacs] Thanks for the help

jhc@vax5.CIT.CORNELL.EDU (02/03/89)

Thanks to all who sent mail and/or posted replies to my query re: .emacs
files & their syntax.  Turns out either of the following are the correct
syntax:  (w/ some slight variations possible in each.)
(setq meta-flag 1)
(set-variable 'meta-flag 't)

I got too many answers to keep track of; so I'll just thank all of you at
once.  (You know who you are.)

Thanks again.

James H. Cloos, Jr.          "Entropy isn't what it used to be."
jhc@Crnlvax5.BITNET            --c/o Fortune @ batcomputer.UUCP
jhc@Vax5.CIT.Cornell.EDU	 #include <std_disclaimers.h>
B-7 Upson Hall, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY 14853   +1 607 272 4519