[gnu.emacs] X11 mouse bindings a la xterm

lamy@ai.utoronto.ca (Jean-Francois Lamy) (02/05/89)

The following functions make the X11 mouse behave under Emacs in a way that
won't throw off xterm users.

- clicking left sets the point.  
- dragging left (i.e. releasing the button at a different position) sets
  the mark at the release position and copies to the X11 cut buffer.
- clicking right sets the mark and copies the region to the X11 cut buffer.
- clicking middle pastes the X11 cut-buffer *at the Emacs point*.  For some
  reason everybody around here much prefers that behaviour (in fact the current
  behaviour is absolutely maddening :-)

The fact that the X11 cut buffer is set as a side-effect of setting
the mark is no annoyance.  The only thing missing is highlighting the region
like ZWEI does...

To invoke, add somthing like what follows to your .emacs

(if (eq window-system 'x)
   (setq term-setup-hook 'my-x-setup)
   (defun my-x-setup () ; hook to run after terminal is initialized
     (load "fix-x-mouse")
     (message " "))))

Jean-Francois Lamy               lamy@ai.utoronto.ca, uunet!ai.utoronto.ca!lamy
AI Group, Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto, Canada M5S 1A4

----------------------------8< couper ici 8<-----------------------------------
;;; fix-x-mouse.el
;;; make mouse-based paste ignore the mouse position and use the emacs point
;;; instead.  Make cut-text set the mark so the mouse can be used naturally
;;; to select a region (e.g. to indent code).
;;; Jean-Francois Lamy 1989-09-21
;;; lamy@ai.utoronto.ca

(defun x-cut-text (arg &optional kill)
  "Copy text between point and mouse into window system cut buffer.
Set mark to current mouse position. Save in Emacs kill ring also."
  (if (coordinates-in-window-p arg (selected-window))
       (x-mouse-set-mark arg)
	 (let ((beg (point)) (end (mark)))
	   (x-store-cut-buffer (buffer-substring beg end))
	   (if kill (delete-region beg end))))
    (message "Mouse not in selected window")))

(defun x-paste-text (arg)
  "Insert window system cut buffer contents at current point."
  (insert (x-get-cut-buffer)))

(defun x-cut-and-wipe-text (arg)
  "Kill text between point and mark; also copy to window system cut buffer."
  (x-cut-text arg t))

(defun x-cut-text-if-moved (arg &optional kill)
  (let ((opoint (point)))
    (x-mouse-set-point arg)
     ((not (equal (point) opoint))
      (goto-char opoint)
      (x-cut-text arg kill)))))

(define-key mouse-map x-button-left-up 'x-cut-text-if-moved)