[gnu.emacs] Acronym functions for GNU Emacs

dsill@RELAY.NSWC.NAVY.MIL (02/17/89)

Some time ago, I picked up a file of acronyms off of simtel20, I
believe.  I recently posted my own version of this file to the
unix-sources Internet mailing list.  My copy has almost 2400 entries
now.  The file's in the format:

ACRONYM<TAB>- Expansion Of Acronym

E.g, the entry for ICBM is

ICBM	- InterContinental Ballistic Missile

I also posted a shell script called `whats' that acts as a front-end
for looking up acronyms and adding new ones to the file.

That's all just background.

As an exercise to help me learn elisp, I wrote a similar front-end for
Emacs.  Since this is my first attempt, I'd appreciate any comments on
my code.  Just don't show me how to write the whole thing in less that
10 lines. :-)

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; -*- Mode: Emacs-Lisp -*- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;; acronyms.el --- Various commands for use with an acronym database
;; Author          : dsill@relay.nswc.navy.mil
;; Created On      : Thu Feb 10 08:33:26 1989
;; Last Modified By: dsill
;; Last Modified On: Thu Feb 16 09:37:50 1989
;; Update Count    : 3
;; Status          : No known bugs.

;; History 		
;; 16-Feb-1989		dsill	
;;    Readied for first release.

(defvar acronym-file "~/misc/acron"
  "Acronym database.  Entries are in the form \"ACRONYM\\t- Expansion Of Acronym\".")

(defvar acronym-expansion-buffer "*Acronym Expansion*"
  "Buffer containing the expansion(s) of an acronym.")

(defun look-up-acronym (acronym)
  "Pop up a window containing the expansion(s) of ACRONYM.  If none are found,
the option to call add-acronym is provided."
  (interactive "sAcronym: ")
    (let ((buf (get-file-buffer acronym-file))
      (if buf
	  (set-buffer buf)
	(setq buf (create-file-buffer acronym-file))
	(set-buffer buf)
	(insert-file-contents acronym-file t))
      (goto-char (point-min))
      (setq acronym-re (concat "^" (upcase acronym) "	- "))
      (if (re-search-forward acronym-re nil t)
	    (goto-char (point-min))
	      (set-buffer (get-buffer-create acronym-expansion-buffer))
	      (if buffer-read-only (toggle-read-only))
	    (while (re-search-forward acronym-re nil t)
	      (let ((beg (point)))
		(copy-region-as-kill beg (point)))
		(set-buffer acronym-expansion-buffer)
		(insert (car kill-ring-yank-pointer) ?\n)))
	    (display-buffer acronym-expansion-buffer t)
	    (set-buffer acronym-expansion-buffer)
	(if (y-or-n-p
	     (concat "Not in database, do you know the expansion of "
		     (upcase acronym) "? "))
	    (add-acronym acronym)
	  (message " "))))))

(defun add-acronym (acronym &optional expansion)
  "Add a new ACRONYM and its EXPANSION to the acronym-file."
  (interactive "sAcronym: ")
  (setq acronym (upcase acronym))
  (setq expansion (read-string (concat "Expansion of " acronym ": ")))
  (if (equal expansion "")
      (let ((buf (get-file-buffer acronym-file))
	(if buf
	    (set-buffer buf)
	  (setq buf (create-file-buffer acronym-file))
	  (set-buffer buf)
	  (insert-file-contents acronym-file t))
	(goto-char (point-min))
	(setq acronym-re (concat "^" acronym))
	(insert acronym "	- " expansion ?\n)
	(message (concat acronym " - " expansion))))))

;; finis