[gnu.emacs] 1) ENOUGH! sex-neutral langauge: Reducing Emacs memory usage

tower@WHEATIES.AI.MIT.EDU (Leonard H. Tower Jr.) (02/21/89)

   Date: Mon, 20 Feb 89 14:57 CST
   From: Kathryn Huxtable <HUXTABLE@kuhub.cc.ukans.edu>
   X-Vms-To: IN%"info-gnu-emacs@prep.ai.mit.edu"

   In message <8902192040.AA05567@laurent.mit.edu>
   Dale Bourbaki proposes a project to compact Emacs's memory and closes:

   >A perfect project for some hacker to affirm his manhood.

This is a mailing list (and newsgroups) devoted to discussing the
technical aspects of GNU Emacs.  I've appended it's charter below.

worley made a sexist choice of language.  gz and now huxtable have
corrected him.  That's more than enough discussion of this issue for a
technical mailing list.

BTW, it's courteous behaviour when reading a mailing list (or
newsgroup) to read all the submission in the queue, before answering
any of them.  Note that huxtable may well had done this, gz's reply
might not had reach kuhub.cc.ukans.edu yet.

thanx -len 

from etc/MAILINGLISTS in the GNU Emacs Distribution:

    GNU Project electronic mailing lists.  Last Updated 20 Feb 1989


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enjoy -len