[gnu.emacs] Problems customizing

pardo@polya.Stanford.EDU (Gerardo Pardo-Castellote) (04/14/89)

and I am trying to costumize among others, the arrow keys. 

I have read the previous articles in which a similar problem arose for a Sun
but, the same trick doesn't seem to work.
My terminal returns sequences such as  ESC-O-t for the arrow keys, and when I
include the following lines in my .emacs file,

(global-unset-key "\eO")
(global-set-key "\eOt" 'backward-char)
... and so forth

the result is that nothing seems to happen.

Can somebody tell me What is going wrong. Surprisingly enough (for me),
if I do ESC-x global-set-key "\eOt" 'backward-char   .. from inside emacs
It works perfectly fine.
