[gnu.emacs] rolo-mode

davis@scr.slb.com (Paul Davis) (04/24/89)

elisp mailing number two: a version of Bill Hitchins' rolo
program, for Emacs. Comments on this one please ...

Two files enclosed: rolo.texinfo (a two page guide to rolo-mode) and
rolo.el, for your delectation and delight.

                             Paul Davis at Schlumberger Cambridge Research

                              "to shatter tradition makes us feel free ..."

From April 28th: c/o bartonb%duvm.bitnet@cunvm.cuny.edu (oh to be in love !)

====> rolo.texinfo
\input /home/silver/davis/gnu/elisp-doc/texinfo
@end tex
@chapter Rolo mode

Rolo mode is an Emacs major mode for working with a simple database of
notes in a manner that approximates a Rolodex file.

@section File format

Files for use with rolo mode are very simple -- each card is delineated
by a the value of the regular expression @code{rolo-card-delimiter},
which is a form feed (@code{C-l} by default). Between each occurence of
@code{rolo-card-delimiter}, you can put anything you want, in any
format you choose.

Normally, you would use rolo mode itself to create a `rolo' file, but if
you want to do it yourself, then you can simply edit a regular text file
and insert the @code{C-l} wherever you want (using @code{C-q C-l}).

@section Rolo mode commands

@table @kbd
@item M-x rolo @var{file}
@end table

Visits @var{file} and puts the buffer into rolo-mode. The modeline
will display the number of the current card (n) and the total number of
cards (t) in the file visited in the form ``n/t''.

The following commands are available  within rolo mode:

@table @kbd
@item C-c n
show the next card (@code{rolo-next-card}). With a prefix argument, show
the n-th next card.
@item C-c p
show the previous card (@code{rolo-previous-card}). With a prefix
argument, show the n-th previous card.
@item C-c i
produce an index of all cards in the buffer, showing the card number,
and the first line of the card (@code{rolo-index}).
@item C-c g
go to the first card, or with a prefix argument n, the nth card
@item C-c c
create a new rolo card (@code{rolo-create-card}).
@item C-c d
delete the current rolo card (@code{rolo-delete-card})
@item C-c s @var{regexp} 
search for @var{regexp} in all cards following this one.
@item C-c r @var{rolo-file}
run rolo on @var{rolo-file}
@end table

The two basic commands in rolo mode are @code{rolo-next-card} and
@code{rolo-previous-card} which are used to move from card to card. Both
will take a prefix argument and move a specified number of cards
forwards or backwards as appropriate. @code{C-u 9 C-c n} moves the 9th
card after the current one, if it exists.

@code{rolo-index} produces a list of cards in the current buffer,
displayed in a buffer called "*Rolo Index*". Each card is indexed with a
number, and the first line of card (even if it's blank). You can use
@code{C-c g} to move directly to a card by
supplying the card number as a prefix argument. Without it, this command
displays the first card.

@code{rolo-search} will search for a specified regular expression in all
cards following the one currently being viewed. The next time it is
invoked, the previous regexp is the default, so you you do repeated
searches by simply pressing RET in response to the prompt.

@code{rolo-create-card} creates a new, blank card for you to put
anything you want in, whilst @code{rolo-delete-card} deletes the card
currently being viewed. If you want to run rolo on another file, just
type @code{C-c r} and then the name of the file -- a new rolo mode
buffer will be created for the new rolo file.


====> rolo.el
;;; rolo.el
;;; An e-lisp version of Ron Hitchins rolo program
;;; Paul Davis <davis%scr@sdr.slb.com> Feb & Apr 1989

;;; This file is subject to the same copyright conditions as
;;; GNU Emacs.

;;; To do:
;;; make rolo a bit more elegantly tolerant of wierd end of file
;;; conditions - basically ignore everything after the last
;;; occurence of rolo-card-delimiter, as if eobp were true
;;; there.
;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------

(defvar rolo-card-delimiter ""
  "Regexp used to delimit cards in a Rolo buffer")

(defvar rolo-card-delimiter-regexp (concat "^" rolo-card-delimiter)
  "Regexp used to locate start and end of cards in a Rolo buffer")

(defvar rolo-card-total nil
  "Total number of rolo cards in current rolo-mode buffer")

(defun rolo (&optional rolofile)
Visit ROLOFILE and display as a series of sequential `rolodex' type cards.
Numerous functions are available for locating, searching and indexing
the cards, as well as creating new ones. By default, visit a
file \".rolo\" in the current directory.

The ROLOFILE format is compatible with the program `rolo', and
consists of each card terminated by the character rolo-card-delimiter
(^L by default). Each card MUST be terminated in this way, and extra
white space after the last occurence of rolo-card-delimiter may
confuse poor rolo-mode. If you stick to using \[rolo-create-card] and
\[rolo-delete-card] to add and remove cards, you'll be fine.

   (list (read-file-name "Rolo file: " default-directory ".rolo")))
  (find-file (expand-file-name rolofile))

;; Rolo mode itself

(defun rolo-mode ()
  "A mode for viewing rolo-compatible files within Emacs.
Note that by default, searching in this mode is case-insensitive. If
you wish to alter this, add a rolo-mode-hook to your .emacs file.


  (setq major-mode 'rolo-mode)
  (setq mode-name "Rolo")
  (use-local-map rolo-mode-map)
  (set-syntax-table text-mode-syntax-table)
  (setq mode-line-format '("" mode-line-modified 
			   "   " global-mode-string "   %[(" 
			   mode-name "%n" mode-line-process 
			   ")%]" "-%-"))
  (setq case-fold-search t)
  (setq rolo-card-total (rolo-count-cards-to (point-max)))
  (if (> (buffer-size) 0)
      (rolo-show-card 1)
  (run-hooks 'rolo-mode-hook))

;; Keymaps

(defvar rolo-mode-map (copy-keymap text-mode-map)
  "Keymap for rolo-mode")

(define-key rolo-mode-map "\C-cc" 'rolo-create-card)
(define-key rolo-mode-map "\C-cd" 'rolo-delete-card)
(define-key rolo-mode-map "\C-ci" 'rolo-index)
(define-key rolo-mode-map "\C-cn" 'rolo-next-card)
(define-key rolo-mode-map "\C-cp" 'rolo-previous-card)
(define-key rolo-mode-map "\C-cr" 'rolo)
(define-key rolo-mode-map "\C-cs" 'rolo-search)
(define-key rolo-mode-map "\C-cg" 'rolo-show-card)
(define-key rolo-mode-map "\C-x\C-s" 'rolo-save-buffer)

;; Displaying the cards

(defun rolo-show-card (&optional n)
Display the current card, (that which point is currently within), 
or the Nth card if N is non-null."
  (interactive "pn")
  (if (null n)
    (let ((here (point)))
      (goto-char (point-min))
      (if (null (re-search-forward rolo-card-delimiter-regexp 
				   (point-max) t n))
	    (goto-char here)
	    (message "no such card")))
      (previous-line 1)

(defun rolo-intern-display-this-card ()
  (narrow-to-region (rolo-card-beg)
		    (max 1 (1- (rolo-card-end))))

(defun rolo-update-mode-line ()
  "Make sure mode-line in the current buffer reflects all changes."
  (setq mode-line-process
	(concat " " (rolo-count-cards-to (point)) "/" rolo-card-total))
  (set-buffer-modified-p (buffer-modified-p))
  (sit-for 0))

(defun rolo-count-cards-to (position)
  (let ((n 0))
      (goto-char (point-min))
      (while (re-search-forward rolo-card-delimiter-regexp position t)
	(setq n (1+ n))
	(forward-line 1)))
    (max 1 n)))

;; motion control

(defun rolo-next-card (&optional n)
Show the next card, or the Nth-next card if N is non-null."
  (interactive "pn")
  (rolo-forward-card n)

(defun rolo-previous-card (&optional n)
Show the previous card, or the Nth-previous card if N is non-null."
  (interactive "pn")
  (rolo-backward-card n)

(defun rolo-forward-card (&optional n)
Move to next rolo card, or N cards forward if N is non-null."
  (let ((here (point)))
    (if (or (null (re-search-forward rolo-card-delimiter-regexp 
				     (point-max) t n))
	  (message "no such card")
	  (goto-char here))
      (forward-line 1))))

(defun rolo-backward-card (&optional n)
Move to previous rolo card, or Nth previous if N is non-null."
  (let ((here (point)))
  (if (null (re-search-backward rolo-card-delimiter-regexp 
				(point-min) t n))
	(message "no such card")
	(goto-char here))
    (previous-line 1))))
;; Searching

(defvar rolo-search-regexp nil
  "Last regexp used by rolo-search")
(make-variable-buffer-local 'rolo-search-regexp)

(defun rolo-search (regexp)
   (list (read-string (concat "Rolo Search for" 
				  (if rolo-search-regexp
				   (concat " ("
  (if (equal "" regexp)
      (setq regexp rolo-search-regexp
	    repeat t)
    (setq repeat nil))
  (let ((start (point-min))
	(end (point-max))
	(here (point)))
    (if repeat
	(forward-char 1))
    (if (null (re-search-forward regexp (point-max) t))
	  (narrow-to-region start end)
	  (goto-char here)
	  (message (concat "\"" regexp "\" not found.")))
    (setq rolo-search-regexp regexp)))

(defun rolo-card-beg ()
Return the beginning of the current card as point."
    (if (null (re-search-backward
	       rolo-card-delimiter-regexp (point-min) t))
      (+ 2 (point)))))

(defun rolo-card-end ()
Return the end of the current card as point."
    (if (null (re-search-forward
	       rolo-card-delimiter-regexp (point-max) t))

;; miscelleania

(defun rolo-index ()
  (let ((start (point-min))
	(end (point-max))
	(card-count 0))
	  (goto-char (point-min))
	  (with-output-to-temp-buffer "*Rolo index*"
	    (while (re-search-forward rolo-card-delimiter-regexp (point-max) t)
	      (forward-line 1)
      (narrow-to-region start end))))

(defun rolo-make-index-entry ()
  (setq card-count (1+ card-count))
  (if (not (eobp))
      (princ (concat card-count ": "
		     (buffer-substring (point) (eol)) "\n"))))

(defun rolo-create-card ()
  (goto-char (point-max))
  (if (= (point) 1)
      (insert "\n" rolo-card-delimiter)
    (insert "\n" "\n" rolo-card-delimiter))
  (backward-char 2)
  (narrow-to-region (point) (point))
  (setq rolo-card-total (1+ rolo-card-total)))

(defun rolo-delete-card ()
  (kill-region (rolo-card-beg) (rolo-card-end))
  (if (looking-at "\n")
      (delete-char 1))
  (setq rolo-card-total (1- rolo-card-total))

(defun rolo-save-buffer ()
  "Save a rolo-mode buffer, ensuring that there is an
occurence of rolo-delimiter-regexp at the end before actually writing
back to the file."
      (goto-char (point-max))
      (backward-char 1)
      (if (not (looking-at rolo-card-delimiter))
	    (backward-char 1)
	    (if (looking-at rolo-card-delimiter)
		  (forward-char 1)
		  (delete-char 1)))))

;; utility functions (who hasn't written these ?)

(defun eol ()
  "Return the value point at the end of the current line."