[net.games.rogue] Taming wild dogs

dpa@snow.UUCP (David Angier) (01/15/85)

[Line eater fodder...]

Throw doggie type food at them.  The better the food the more
likely they stop attacking you.  When I first did this it
( a large dog ) followed me around, but would not attack
anything at all. After another 'Good Boy' treat (s)he violently
attacked all in sight, and was much move effective than the
little dog you start with.

Another hint ....

     If Little Poochie (your dog) brings an item to you then
throw some food at it, this makes it more likely to bring you
     Since a dog avoids cursed items and can rob shops then
this training can come in very useful. (Like your dog brings
you all the non-cursed items from the shop.)

		Dave (Maths @ Warwick University)