fcg@synapse.Philips.Com (Frank C. Guida) (06/09/89)
I am running GNU Emacs 18.54.6 of Sat May 13 1989 (berkeley-unix) on a Sun 3/160. I've intalled the patches in /etc/SUN-SUPPORT to make emacs scroll efficiently in sunview. However, there is no information on how to keep the mode line from bouncing (after the cursor hits the mode-line) when runing emacs from the console. Does anyone out there know of a solution? Please use E-mail replies. Thanks in advance. - Yours truly Frank Guida (914)-945-6246 Manufacturing Systems Research uunet!philabs!fcg Philips Laboratories - Briarcliff fcg@briar.philips.com Frank Guida (914)-945-6246 Manufacturing Systems Research uunet!philabs!fcg Philips Laboratories - Briarcliff fcg@briar.philips.com