[gnu.emacs] GNU kernel status ?

root@word.Princeton.EDU (Operator) (06/17/89)


Does anyone out there knows what the status of the GNU kernel these days ?
Just wondering if it's going to be general enough to give people a choice when
cheap multiprocessor desktops do arrive so that if I've enough money then I
go out and can buy a few more cpus (& maybe more RAMs), plug them into my
desktop and assign them to take care of a few windows where I run/compile some
heavy weight stuff meanwhile I assign one or two cpus for other general stuff
& may be one or two to help me to develope & debug my code without being
bothered (performance-wise) by those heavy-weights running.  I could of course
assign them to other nodes on the net but usually those other nodes are used
by other people and I'm not sure if they're pleased to have those giants
running on their nodes.

Eric Ho
Cognitive Science Lab.,			Princeton University
email = eho@bogey.princeton.edu		voice = 609-987-2819	

