[gnu.emacs] Input remapping, Part 4 of 8: HP_keys.text

raveling@venera.isi.edu (Paul Raveling) (06/23/89)

	HP/ISI input remapping files:  Part 4 of 8

	This is the complete content of etc/HP_keys.text.
	The "M-x keys" command views this file to provide
	brief documentation on keyboard bindings.

------------------------------  Cut  Here  --------------------------------

		      Default Function Key Usage
		 for gemacs 18.54 on HP Workstations

    Special Keys at left of main key cluster

	Tab		Tab forward
	ESC		Ascii escape character  [escape from search]
	DEL		Delete preceding character
	Enter		Edit another file		(asks for filename)
	Print		Insert contents of a file	(asks for filename)

	(DEL is shift-ESC; Print is shift-Enter; shift is ignored for Tab)

    Special Keys at right of main key cluster

	Backspace	Delete preceding character
	Insert line	Split current line into 2 lines at current character
	Delete line	Delete current line
	Insert char	Switch between insert & overwrite editing modes
	Delete char	Delete current character
	\  [arrow pointing up and left]:
	    unshifted	Go to beginning of buffer
	    shifted	Go to end of buffer
	Prev		Go back to previous "page"
	Next		Go forward to next "page"
	Select		Go back to marked location	(swap Point and Mark)
	Arrows		Move in direction indicated


    Keys in row above main key cluster

	Break		Save		(Write buffer contents to its file)
	Reset		Revert		(Reload buffer from its file)
	Stop		Exit gemacs

	f1		Execute keyboard macro (saved keystrokes)
	f2		Start/Stop saving keystrokes as keyboard macro
	f3		Switch to next buffer		(rotate buffer list)
	f4		Switch to previous buffer	(swap top 2 buffers)
	Menu		Display and edit buffer list
	System		Display and edit directory	(dired)
	User		Display and edit mail		(rmail)
	f5		Display only the current buffer
	f6		Replace all ocurrences of a text string
	f7		Search backward for a text string
	f8		Search forward  for a text string

	Clear line	Clear current line
	Clear display	Clear entire buffer

	(Reset is shift-Break; User is shift-Menu)


    Unlabelled keys above numeric keypad

	#1 (@ left)	Apropos:  Look for information
	#2		Describe function of a key
	#3		List all key definitions
	#4 (@ right)	Describe a gemacs function

    Numeric keypad, large keys

	0		Undo preceding editing operation
	Tab		Go to line	(asks for line number)
	shift Tab	Report current line number

    Numeric keypad, small keys

	*		Select text mode
	/		Select indented text mode
	+		Select outline mode
	-		Select fundamental mode

	7		Select C mode
	8		Select LISP mode
	9		Select EMACS-LISP mode
	Enter		Select LISP interaction mode

	4		Select LaTeX mode
	5		Select plain TeX mode
	6		Select Scribe mode
	,		Select nroff mode

	1		Save region between Mark and current character
	2		Save & delete region between Mark & current character
	3		Insert saved region
	.		Set Mark at current character