[gnu.emacs] Input remapping, Part 5 of 8: startup.el

raveling@venera.isi.edu (Paul Raveling) (06/23/89)

	HP/ISI input remapping files:  Part 5 of 8

	These are differences relative to the original lisp/startup.el
	in GNU emacs version 18.54.

	The only change is to load lisp/default.el or lisp/default.elc
	before, rather than after, loading ~/.emacs.  In the HP build
	tree, lisp/default.elc is defined as a symbolic link to
	"./term/bobcat.elc" for terminal-specific setup.

	BTW, either the emacs documentation or the original startup.el
	may have a discrepancy.  My recollection is that the documents
	& comments say it loads "default" only if .emacs doesn't exist.
	In fact it always checked first for .emacs, then checked for
	default, but would always load whatever files existed among
	this pair.

------------------------------  Cut  Here  --------------------------------
<     ;; Load user's init file, or load default one.
> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
>     ;;		ISI version:  Always load "default" BEFORE .emacs,
>     ;;		provided "default" exists.
>     (load "default" t t)
>     ;; Load user's init file, if one exists, AFTER loading default
< 			 (load "default" t t)))))
> 			 ))))
> ;	Was:		 (load "default" t t)))))