[gnu.emacs] Any interest in neat functions?

ds@hollin.prime.com (06/29/89)

I've got lots of EMACS functions that I've written, in an attempt to make
EMACS into a really useable high-productivity environment that pleases me.

Is there any interest out there in the world for this stuff?

Here is a small example of what I have.

This is a function (which I arbitrarily bind to "CTRL-\") to repeat the last
command, even if it is not a "complex command" (which means an extended
command whose keypath started with "ESC-x").  It will, for example, search for
the next occurrence of a string, when 'search-forward was the last command.
(Writing this particular function got me a free lunch from the colleague who
requested it!)

Remember, this is only a tiny example of lots of functions.  (Should I post a
one-line description of each?  The documentation string of each?  The full
EMACS-lisp text of each?)

David Spector


(defun repeat (count)
  "Repeat last command with no query.
Repeats the command as many times as indicated by numeric argument COUNT.
If the last command had a numeric argument, it is ignored; if it had an
argument list (usually happens only for functions that are not invoked by
interactive keypath), the list is omitted; and if it was a self-inserted
character, the current keybinding is inserted instead."
  (interactive "p")
  (let (str pos)
    (if (eq last-command 'repeat)
      (setq pos (- (- (length (recent-keys)) 2)
                   (length (this-command-keys))))
      (setq str (substring (recent-keys) pos (+ pos 2)))
      (setq repeat-complex-flag nil)
      (setq repeat-kill-flag nil)
       ((or (equal str "e") (equal str "E"))
        (setq repeat-command 'call-last-kbd-macro))
       ((or (equal str "d") (equal str "D"))
        (setq repeat-command 'kill-word)
        (setq repeat-kill-flag t))
       ((or (equal str "") (equal str ""))
        (setq repeat-command 'backward-kill-word)
        (setq repeat-kill-flag t))
       ((eq last-command 'exit-minibuffer)
        (setq repeat-complex-flag t)
        (setq repeat-command (car command-history)))
        (setq repeat-command last-command))))
    ;(princ repeat-command)
    (while (> count 0)
      (if repeat-kill-flag
      (if repeat-complex-flag
          (eval repeat-command)
        (command-execute repeat-command))
      (setq this-command 'repeat)
      (setq count (1- count)))
    (setq last-command 'repeat)))
(global-set-key "\^\\" 'repeat)