[gnu.emacs] Key definition problem on DEC Pmax

barbour@boulder.Colorado.EDU (Jim Barbour) (07/27/89)

We are currently running gnu emacs version 18.51 on a DEC Pmax workstation.

I am writeing some emacs-lisp code which will make the emacs 
environment "look and feel" like our in house VAX/TPU environment.  I have the 
code written, but there is one problem I can't seem to lick.

That is, the arrow keys generate ^D ^f ^B and ^N for left, right up and down.
I have tried rebinding (though the function-keymap) "u" "d" "l" and "r" to
the appropriate procedures but it has no effect.

Can anyone help?

Also, is there a way to instal a global default .emacs file?


Jim Barbour

P.S. is there a later version then 18.51 for ultrix?