[gnu.emacs] thing commands, also work under X

guttman@mitre.org (Joshua D. Guttman) (08/08/89)

I'm enclosing some code that simplifies and adapts the "thing commands"
previously offered under emacstool, based on an idea from zmacs.  The syntax
tables are used to construct the "thing" at a particular place in a buffer.
For instance, at a left-paren, the thing is the following sexp, while at a
right paren it is the preceding sexp.  The association between character syntax
and "things" is fixed by an alist, so that behavior can be easily tailored.  I
have also included two functions that connect with X windows.  I bind them to
mouse events, and find them very useful.  Bindings I use are:

(define-key mouse-map x-button-s-middle 'x-mouse-kill-thing)
(define-key mouse-map x-button-s-right 'x-mouse-copy-thing)

The other main commands are:

(global-set-key "\C-ck" 'kill-thing-at-point)
(global-set-key "\C-cw" 'copy-thing-at-point)

No bindings are made by the code below, so you can do as you please.

	Joshua Guttman

;; Thing.el
;; adapted from sun-fns.el by Joshua Guttman, MITRE.  
;; Comments appreciated: guttman@mitre.org

(provide 'thing)

(defun thing-boundaries (here)
  "Return start and end of text object at HERE using syntax table and thing-boundary-alist.  
Thing-boundary-alist is a list of pairs of the form (SYNTAX-CHAR FUNCTION)
where FUNCTION takes a single position argument and returns a cons of places
 (start end) representing boundaries of the thing at that position.  
 Left or right Paren syntax indicates an s-expression.	
 The end of a line marks the line including a trailing newline. 
 Word syntax indicates current word. 
 Symbol syntax indicates symbol.
 If it doesn't recognize one of these it selects just the character HERE."
  (interactive "d")
  (if (save-excursion
	(goto-char here)
      (thing-get-line here)
    (let* ((syntax
	    (char-syntax (char-after here)))
	    (assq syntax thing-boundary-alist)))
      (if pair
	  (funcall (car (cdr pair)) here)
	(cons here (1+ here))))))  

(defvar thing-boundary-alist
  '((?w thing-word)
    (?_ thing-symbol)
    (?\( thing-sexp-start)
    (?\$ thing-sexp-start)
    (?' thing-sexp-start)
    (?\" thing-sexp-start)
    (?\) thing-sexp-end)
    (?  thing-whitespace))
  "*List of pairs of the form (SYNTAX-CHAR FUNCTION) used by THING-BOUNDARIES.")
(defun thing-get-line (here)
  "Return whole of line HERE is in, with newline unless at eob."
    (goto-char here)
    (let* ((start (progn (beginning-of-line 1)
	   (end (progn (forward-line 1)
      (cons start end))))

(defun thing-word (here)
  "Return start and end of word at HERE."
    (goto-char here)
    (forward-word 1)
    (let ((end (point)))
      (forward-word -1)
      (cons (point) end))))

(defun thing-symbol (here)
  "Return start and end of symbol at HERE."
  (let ((end (scan-sexps here 1)))
    (cons (min here (scan-sexps end -1))

(defun thing-sexp-start (here)
  "Return start and end of sexp starting HERE."
  (cons here (scan-sexps here 1)))

(defun thing-sexp-end (here)
  "Return start and end of sexp ending HERE."
  (cons (scan-sexps (1+ here) -1)
	(1+ here)))

(defun thing-whitespace (here)
  "Return start to end of all but one char of whitespace HERE, unless 
there's only one char of whitespace.  Then return start to end of it."
    (let ((start (progn
		   (skip-chars-backward " \t") (1+ (point))))
	  (end (progn 
		 (skip-chars-forward " \t") (point))))
      (if (= start end)
	  (cons (1- start) end)
	(cons start end)))))

(defun mark-thing-at-point (here)
  "Set point at beginning and mark at end of text object using syntax table.
See thing-boundaries for definition of text objects"
  (interactive "d")
  (let ((bounds (thing-boundaries here)))
    (goto-char (cdr bounds))
    (set-mark-command nil)
    (goto-char (car bounds))))

(defun kill-thing-at-point (here)
  "Kill text object using syntax table.
See thing-boundaries for definition of text objects"
  (interactive "d")
  (let ((bounds (thing-boundaries here)))
    (kill-region (car bounds) (cdr bounds))))

(defun copy-thing-at-point (here)
  "Copy text object using syntax table.
See thing-boundaries for definition of text objects"
  (interactive "d")
  (let ((bounds (thing-boundaries here)))
    (copy-region-as-kill (car bounds) (cdr bounds))))

;;; Two X-related fns.  	
(defun x-mouse-kill-thing (arg)
  "Kill text object at point or mouse position and insert into window system cut buffer.
Save in Emacs kill ring also."
  (interactive "d")
  (setq last-command nil)
  (x-mouse-set-point arg)
  (let* ((bounds (thing-boundaries (point)))
	 (start (car bounds))
	 (end (cdr bounds)))
    (x-store-cut-buffer (buffer-substring start end))
    (kill-region start end)))

(defun x-mouse-copy-thing (arg)
  "Copy text object at point or mouse position into window system cut buffer.
Save in Emacs kill ring also."
      (setq last-command nil)
      (x-mouse-set-point arg)
      (let* ((bounds (thing-boundaries (point)))
	     (start (car bounds))
	     (end (cdr bounds)))
	(x-store-cut-buffer (buffer-substring start end))
	(copy-region-as-kill start end)))))