[gnu.emacs] ange-crypt: simple encrypt / decrypt support for GNU Emacs

ange@hplb.hpl.hp.com (Andy Norman) (08/15/89)

I enclose 'ange-crypt.el' which enables GNU Emacs to encrypt and decrypt files
upon reading and writing.


P.S. I don't wish to open the worm-can surrounding exportation of crypt from
the USA. If you haven't got crypt, use something different.

; -*-Emacs-Lisp-*-
; File:         ange-crypt.el
; RCS:          $Header: ange-crypt.el,v 1.6 89/08/14 18:35:50 ange Exp $
; Description:  semi-transparent encrypt / decrypt for files
; Author:       Andy Norman, Kraken
; Created:      Fri Aug 11 16:59:26 1989
; Modified:     Mon Aug 14 18:35:05 1989 (Ange) ange@hplb.hpl.hp.com

;; ange-crypt-mode is a minor mode that can be used with most buffers, and when
;; switched on makes sure that all future writes of the buffer are piped through
;; your favorite encryption command. Visiting a file created by saving a buffer
;; with this mode on will cause the buffer to be initially piped through your
;; favorite decryption command.
;; Note that by default auto-saving is disabled upon entering ange-crypt-mode so
;; that the plain-text version of the buffer never gets written to file. This
;; action can be disabled by setting the variable ange-crypt-disable-auto-saving
;; to nil.
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs, but FSF are welcome to it if they want it.
;; Copying is permitted under those conditions described by the GNU General
;; Public License.
;; Copyright (C) 1989 Andy Norman.
;; Author: Andy Norman (ange@hplb.hpl.hp.com)
;; Please mail bugs and suggestions to the author at the above address.

(defvar ange-crypt-encryption-cmd "crypt %s"
  "*The command (with key) to pipe the buffer through to get encryption")

(defvar ange-crypt-decryption-cmd "crypt %s"
  "*The command (with key) to pipe the buffer through to get decryption")

(defvar ange-crypt-disable-auto-saving t
  "*Disable auto-saving when in ange-crypt mode.")

(defvar ange-crypt-key nil
  "The key to encrypt / decrypt a buffer.")

;; Put the next three lines in your .emacs if you wish to have different keys
;; for different buffers.
;; (make-variable-buffer-local 'ange-crypt-key)
;; (setq-default ange-crypt-mode nil)

(defvar ange-crypt-mode nil
  "This buffer is to be read/written encrypted.")

(make-variable-buffer-local 'ange-crypt-mode)
(setq-default ange-crypt-mode nil)

(or (assq 'ange-crypt-mode minor-mode-alist)
    (setq minor-mode-alist (cons '(ange-crypt-mode " Crypt") minor-mode-alist)))

(defun ange-crypt-mode (arg)
  "Toggle ange-crypt mode.
With arg, turn ange-crypt mode on iff arg is positive.
In ange-crypt mode, when the buffer is saved, it is encrypted first,
and when restored, it is decrypted first."
  (interactive "P")
  (setq ange-crypt-mode
	(if (null arg) (not ange-crypt-mode)
	  (> (prefix-numeric-value arg) 0)))
  (if ange-crypt-disable-auto-saving
	(auto-save-mode (not ange-crypt-mode)))) ;enable/disable auto-saves
  (set-buffer-modified-p t))

(defun ange-crypt-get-key ()
  "Prompt the user for the key to encrypt / decrypt the current buffer.
Echos a . for each character typed.
End with <cr>, <lf>, or <esc>.  DEL or backspace rubs out."
  (let ((pass "")
	(c 0)
	(echo-keystrokes 0))
    (while (and (/= c ?\r) (/= c ?\n) (/= c ?\e))
      (message "Enter key to encrypt/decrypt %s: %s"
	       (make-string (length pass) ?.))
      (setq c (read-char))
      (if (and (/= c ?\b) (/= c ?\177))
	  (setq pass (concat pass (char-to-string c)))
	(if (> (length pass) 0)
	    (setq pass (substring pass 0 -1)))))
    (setq pass (substring pass 0 -1))))

(defun ange-decrypt-buffer ()
  "Decrypts the current buffer if in ange-crypt-mode."
  (if ange-crypt-mode
	(let ((mod-p (buffer-modified-p)))
	  (or ange-crypt-key (setq ange-crypt-key (ange-crypt-get-key)))
	    (goto-char (point-max))
	    (search-backward "\n\^L" (max (- (point-max) 3000) (point-min)) 'move)
	    (delete-region (point) (point-max))
	    (message "decrypting...")
	    (shell-command-on-region (point-min)
				     (format ange-crypt-decryption-cmd ange-crypt-key)
	    (message "decrypting... done"))
	  (if ange-crypt-disable-auto-saving
		(auto-save-mode 0)))		;disable auto-saving
	  (set-buffer-modified-p mod-p)))))

(defun ange-encrypt-and-write-buffer ()
  "If the buffer is in ange-crypt-mode then encrypt and write to file, otherwise
return nil. This function is mean to be used as a write-file-hook entry."
  (if (not ange-crypt-mode)
      nil				;let basic-save-buffer do the write
    (let ((contents (buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max))))
      (or ange-crypt-key (setq ange-crypt-key (ange-crypt-get-key)))
	(message "encrypting...")
	(shell-command-on-region (point-min)
				 (format ange-crypt-encryption-cmd ange-crypt-key)
	(message "encrypting... done")
	(goto-char (point-max))
	(insert "\n\f\nLocal variables:\nange-crypt-mode:1\nend:\n")
	(if file-precious-flag
	    ;; If file is precious, rename it away before
	    ;; overwriting it.
	    (let ((rename t)
		  (file (concat buffer-file-name "#")))
	      (condition-case ()
		  (progn (rename-file buffer-file-name file t)
			 (setq setmodes (file-modes file)))
		(file-error (setq rename nil)))
		  (progn (clear-visited-file-modtime)
			 (write-region (point-min) (point-max)
				       buffer-file-name nil t)
			 (setq rename nil))
		;; If rename is still t, writing failed.
		;; So rename the old file back to original name,
		(if rename
		      (rename-file file buffer-file-name t)
		  ;; Otherwise we don't need the original file,
		  ;; so flush it.
		  (condition-case ()
		      (delete-file file)
		    (error nil)))))
	  ;; If file not writable, see if we can make it writable
	  ;; temporarily while we write it.
	  ;; But no need to do so if we have just backed it up
	  ;; (setmodes is set) because that says we're superseding.
	  (cond ((and tempsetmodes (not setmodes))
		 ;; Change the mode back, after writing.
		 (setq setmodes (file-modes buffer-file-name))
		 (set-file-modes buffer-file-name 511)))
	  (write-region (point-min) (point-max) 
			buffer-file-name nil t)
	  (insert contents)
	  (set-buffer-modified-p nil))
	t					;have done the write already

(or (memq 'ange-encrypt-and-write-buffer  write-file-hooks)
    (setq write-file-hooks
	  (append write-file-hooks
		  (list 'ange-encrypt-and-write-buffer)))) ;stick it on the end

(or (memq 'ange-decrypt-buffer find-file-hooks)
    (setq find-file-hooks
	  (append find-file-hooks
		  (list 'ange-decrypt-buffer))))
					-- ange --


ange@hplb.hpl.hp.com (Andy Norman) (09/06/89)

I enclose a new version of 'ange-crypt.el' -- a minor mode which enables GNU
Emacs to encrypt and decrypt files upon reading and writing.

Major changes made since the last posted release:

  * added code to determine a buffer's major-mode and local variables.

  * wrapped non crypt-specific error checking code around saving of encrypted

  * added ange-crypt-set-key to interactively change the encryption key.

Several minor changes have also been made.


; -*-Emacs-Lisp-*-
; File:         ange-crypt.el
; RCS:          $Header: ange-crypt.el,v 1.13 89/09/05 10:56:07 ange Exp $
; Description:  semi-transparent encrypt / decrypt for files
; Author:       Andy Norman, Kraken
; Created:      Fri Aug 11 16:59:26 1989
; Modified:     Tue Sep  5 10:55:39 1989 (Ange) ange@anorman

;; ange-crypt-mode is a minor mode that can be used with most buffers, and when
;; switched on makes sure that all future writes of the buffer are piped through
;; your favorite encryption command. Visiting a file created by saving a buffer
;; with this mode on will cause the buffer to be initially piped through your
;; favorite decryption command.
;; Note that by default auto-saving is disabled upon entering ange-crypt-mode so
;; that the plain-text version of the buffer never gets written to file. This
;; action can be disabled by setting the variable ange-crypt-disable-auto-saving
;; to nil.
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs, but FSF are welcome to it if they want it.
;; Copying is permitted under those conditions described by the GNU General
;; Public License.
;; Copyright (C) 1989 Andy Norman.
;; Author: Andy Norman (ange@hplb.hpl.hp.com)
;; Please mail bugs and suggestions to the author at the above address.

(provide 'ange-crypt)

(defvar ange-crypt-encryption-cmd "crypt '%s'"
  "*The command (with quoted key) to pipe the buffer through to get encryption")

(defvar ange-crypt-decryption-cmd "crypt '%s'"
  "*The command (with quoted key) to pipe the buffer through to get decryption")

(defvar ange-crypt-disable-auto-saving t
  "*Disable auto-saving when in ange-crypt mode.")

(defvar ange-crypt-key nil
  "The key to encrypt / decrypt a buffer.")

;; Uncomment and put the following two lines of code into your .emacs if you
;; wish to have a separate key for every encrypted buffer.
;; (make-variable-buffer-local 'ange-crypt-key)
;; (setq-default ange-crypt-mode nil)

(defvar ange-crypt-mode nil
  "This buffer is to be read/written encrypted.")

(make-variable-buffer-local 'ange-crypt-mode)
(setq-default ange-crypt-mode nil)

(or (assq 'ange-crypt-mode minor-mode-alist)
    (setq minor-mode-alist (cons '(ange-crypt-mode " Crypt") minor-mode-alist)))

(defun ange-crypt-mode (arg)
  "Toggle ange-crypt mode.
With arg, turn ange-crypt mode on iff arg is positive.
In ange-crypt mode, when the buffer is saved, it is encrypted first,
and when restored, it is decrypted first."
  (interactive "P")
  (setq ange-crypt-mode
	(if (null arg) (not ange-crypt-mode)
	  (> (prefix-numeric-value arg) 0)))
  (if ange-crypt-disable-auto-saving
	(auto-save-mode (not ange-crypt-mode)))) ;enable/disable auto-saves
  (set-buffer-modified-p t))

(defun ange-crypt-set-key ()
  "Prompt the user for the key to encrypt / decrypt the current buffer.
Echos a . for each character typed.
End with <cr>, <lf>, or <esc>.  DEL or backspace rubs out."
  (let ((pass "")
	(c 0)
	(echo-keystrokes 0))
    (while (and (/= c ?\r) (/= c ?\n) (/= c ?\e))
      (message "Enter key to encrypt/decrypt %s: %s"
	       (make-string (length pass) ?.))
      (setq c (read-char))
      (if (and (/= c ?\b) (/= c ?\177))
	  (setq pass (concat pass (char-to-string c)))
	(if (> (length pass) 0)
	    (setq pass (substring pass 0 -1)))))
    (setq ange-crypt-key (substring pass 0 -1))))

(defun ange-decrypt-buffer ()
  "Decrypts the current buffer if in ange-crypt-mode."
  (if ange-crypt-mode
	(let ((mod-p (buffer-modified-p)))
	  (or ange-crypt-key (ange-crypt-set-key))
	    (goto-char (point-max))
	    (search-backward "\n\^L" (max (- (point-max) 3000) (point-min)) 'move)
	    (delete-region (point) (point-max))
	    (message "decrypting...")
	    (shell-command-on-region (point-min)
				     (format ange-crypt-decryption-cmd ange-crypt-key)
	    (message "decrypting... done"))
	  (normal-mode t)		;re-determine mode for buffer
	  (ange-crypt-mode 1)		;turn on crypt again
	  (if ange-crypt-disable-auto-saving
		(auto-save-mode 0)))		;disable auto-saving
	  (set-buffer-modified-p mod-p)))))

(defun ange-encrypt-buffer ()
  "Attempt to encrypt the current buffer. Attempts also to do error checking
on the encryption command. The assumption is that any output to stderr means
that the command has failed."
  (let ((tmp-file (make-temp-name "/tmp/ange-crypt"))
	(tmp-buf (get-buffer-create "*ange-crypt-output*")))
    (or ange-crypt-key (ange-crypt-set-key))
    (message "encrypting...")
    (save-excursion (set-buffer tmp-buf) (erase-buffer))
    (call-process-region (point-min)	;START
			 (point-max)	;END
			 shell-file-name ;PROGRAM
			 nil		;DELETE?
			 tmp-buf	;BUFFER
			 nil		;DISPLAY?
			 "-c"		;ARGS to PROGRAM
			  (format ange-crypt-encryption-cmd ange-crypt-key)
			  ">" tmp-file))
    (message "encrypting... done")
    (if (> (save-excursion (set-buffer tmp-buf) (point-max)) 1)
	(let ((cur (selected-window))
	      (pop-up-windows t))
	  (pop-to-buffer tmp-buf)	;show error output
	  (select-window cur)
	  (delete-file tmp-file)
	  (error "encryption failed, buffer not written")))
    (kill-buffer tmp-buf)
    (insert-file-contents tmp-file)	;replace with encrypted contents
    (delete-file tmp-file)
    (goto-char (point-max))
    (insert "\n\f\nLocal variables:\nange-crypt-mode:1\nend:\n")))

(defun ange-encrypt-and-write-buffer ()
  "If the buffer is in ange-crypt-mode then encrypt and write to file, otherwise
return nil. This function is mean to be used as a write-file-hook entry."
  (if (not ange-crypt-mode)
      nil				;let basic-save-buffer do the write
    (let ((old-contents (buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max)))
	  (old-point (point))
	  (old-mark (mark)))
      (if file-precious-flag
	  ;; If file is precious, rename it away before
	  ;; overwriting it.
	  (let ((rename t)
		(file (concat buffer-file-name "#")))
	    (condition-case ()
		(progn (rename-file buffer-file-name file t)
		       (setq setmodes (file-modes file)))
	      (file-error (setq rename nil)))
		(progn (clear-visited-file-modtime)
		       (write-region (point-min) (point-max)
				     buffer-file-name nil t)
		       (setq rename nil))
	      ;; If rename is still t, writing failed.
	      ;; So rename the old file back to original name,
	      (if rename
		    (rename-file file buffer-file-name t)
		;; Otherwise we don't need the original file,
		;; so flush it.
		(condition-case ()
		    (delete-file file)
		  (error nil)))))
	;; If file not writable, see if we can make it writable
	;; temporarily while we write it.
	;; But no need to do so if we have just backed it up
	;; (setmodes is set) because that says we're superseding.
	(cond ((and tempsetmodes (not setmodes))
	       ;; Change the mode back, after writing.
	       (setq setmodes (file-modes buffer-file-name))
	       (set-file-modes buffer-file-name 511)))
	(write-region (point-min) (point-max) 
		      buffer-file-name nil t)
	(insert old-contents)
	(goto-char old-point)
	(set-mark old-mark)
	(set-buffer-modified-p nil))
      t					;have done the write already

(or (memq 'ange-encrypt-and-write-buffer  write-file-hooks)
    (setq write-file-hooks
	  (append write-file-hooks
		  (list 'ange-encrypt-and-write-buffer)))) ;stick it on the end

(or (memq 'ange-decrypt-buffer find-file-hooks)
    (setq find-file-hooks
	  (append find-file-hooks
		  (list 'ange-decrypt-buffer))))
					-- ange --
