[gnu.emacs] enhanced remote editing package

raible@EW09.NAS.NASA.GOV (Eric L. Raible) (09/12/89)

Some time ago, I posted a remote editing package that worked via rcp.
That package had the feature that is made editing remote files quite
similiar to editing local files.

This message contains an updated version that performs remote filename
completion, and has other small fixes.

I put the following in my .emacs:

(global-set-key "\C-xr" 'remote-editing)

(autoload 'remote-editing "remote")
(autoload 'find-remote-file "remote")
(autoload 'save-remote-file "remote")
(autoload 'write-remote-file "remote")

Many thanks to Andy Norman (ange@hplb.hpl.hp.com) for his useful
suggestions and prompt and thoughtful feedback.

Try this code - you'll like it.

;; remote.el version 3.0
;; Remote editing via rcp.
;; Original idea from Nick Tran
;; Total rewrite by Eric Raible (raible@orville.nas.nasa.gov)
;; This file is distributed under the same terms as GNU Emacs.

(provide 'remote)

(defvar default-remote-host "orville:"
 "The host to use for remote file operations when none other is appropriate.")

(defvar track-default-remote-host t
  "Controls whether  default-remote-host  changes.
When nil,  default-remote-host  keep its value, otherwise it will always
have the value of the last remote host successfully read.")

(defvar remote-directory-map
  (let ((map (copy-keymap minibuffer-local-map)))
    (define-key map " "  'remote-directory-complete)
    (define-key map "\t" 'remote-directory-complete)
    (define-key map "?"  'remote-directory-complete)
    (define-key map "\e" 'remote-directory-set-host)
  "Map used by read-remote-file-name-with-completion.")

(make-variable-buffer-local 'buffer-remote-file-name)
(set-default 'buffer-remote-file-name "")
(make-variable-buffer-local 'remote-editing)

(defvar remote-shell
  (cond ((eq system-type 'hpux) "remsh")
	(t "rsh"))
  "Name of the command to invoke a remote shell.")

(defvar rcp "rcp"
  "Name of the command to do a remote copy")

(if (not (assoc 'remote-editing minor-mode-alist))
    (setq minor-mode-alist
	  (cons '(remote-editing " Remote") minor-mode-alist)))

(defun remote-editing (arg)
  "Toggle remote-editing mode.
With arg, turn on remote editing mode iff arg is positive, otherwise toggle.

In remote editing mode, the normal bindings for find-file,
find-file-read-only, find-alternate-file, save-buffer, write-file,
and insert-file are changed to operate on a remote system by default.

When remote editing, a prefix arg allows local file operations.  When not
remote editing, a prefix arg allows remote file operations.

It is assumed that .rhosts files are set up properly on both machines."
  (interactive "P")
  (setq remote-editing
	(if (null arg) (not remote-editing)
	  (> (prefix-numeric-value arg) 0)))
  (set-buffer-modified-p (buffer-modified-p))) ;No-op, but updates mode line.

;;; Macro used as front-end to normal file operation key bindings to decide
;;; between local and remote editing modes.
;;; Automatically constructs doc string and includes prefix arg hacking
;;; to temporarily toggle sense of remote-editing.

;;; defaultlocal idea by wjc@ho5cad.att.com (Bill Carpenter)
(defmacro def-local-or-remote (binding name remote defaultlocal)
  (if (eq (key-binding binding) name)	; already done - avoid infinite loop
    (let* ((local (or (key-binding binding) defaultlocal))
	   (r (symbol-name remote))
	   (l (symbol-name local)))
      (list 'progn
	    (list 'global-set-key binding (list 'quote name))
	    (list 'defun name '(arg)
		  (concat "Call either " r " or " l ".
If remote-editing (which see), call " r ",
else call " l ".

See also the documentation for " r "
and " l ".")
		  '(interactive "P")
		  (list 'call-interactively
			(list 'if '(xor remote-editing arg)
			      (list 'quote remote)
			      (list 'quote local))))))))

(def-local-or-remote "\C-x\C-f"	find-local-or-remote-file
  find-remote-file		find-file)

(def-local-or-remote "\C-x\C-r"	find-local-or-remote-file-read-only
  find-remote-file-read-only	find-file-read-only)

(def-local-or-remote "\C-x\C-v"	find-alternate-local-or-remote-file
  find-alternate-remote-file	find-alternate-file)

(def-local-or-remote "\C-x\C-s"	save-local-or-remote-buffer
  save-remote-buffer		save-buffer)

(def-local-or-remote "\C-x\C-w"	write-local-or-remote-file
  write-remote-file		write-file)

(def-local-or-remote "\C-xi"	insert-local-or-remote-file
  insert-remote-file		insert-file)

(defun find-remote-file (host file)
  "Edit remote file HOST:FILE (using rcp).
This command is similiar to find-file, but uses rcp to read the file from
a remote machine.  Also see remote-editing."
  (interactive (read-remote-file-name "Find remote file"))
  (let ((f-or-b (get-remote-file-or-buffer host file "retrieve"))
    (if f-or-b
	(if (bufferp f-or-b)
	    (switch-to-buffer f-or-b)
	  (setq local-file f-or-b)
	  (let ((buf (generate-new-buffer
		      (concat host (file-name-nondirectory file)))))
	    (switch-to-buffer buf)
	    (if (not (file-exists-p local-file))
		(message "(New remote file)")
	      (insert-file-contents local-file)
	      (set-buffer-modified-p nil)
	      (delete-file local-file))
	    ;; dynamic binding for normal-mode
	    (let ((buffer-file-name (concat host file)))
	      (remote-editing 1)
	      (setq buffer-remote-file-name buffer-file-name
		    buffer-offer-save t)))))))

(defun find-remote-file-read-only ()
  "Edit remote file FILENAME, but mark buffer as read-only.
Also see find-remote-file and remote-editing."
  (call-interactively 'find-remote-file)
  (setq buffer-read-only t))

(defun find-alternate-remote-file ()
  "Find alternate file using rcp.
This command is similiar to find-alternate-file, but uses rcp to fetch
the file from a remote machine.  Also see remote-editing."
  (and (buffer-modified-p)
       (not buffer-read-only)
       (not (yes-or-no-p (format "Buffer %s is modified; kill anyway? "
       (error "Aborted"))
  (let ((obuf (current-buffer))
	(oname (buffer-name)))
    (rename-buffer " **lose**")
	(apply 'find-remote-file
	       (read-remote-file-name "Find remote alternate file"))
      (if (eq obuf (current-buffer))
	  (rename-buffer oname)
	(kill-buffer obuf)))))

(defun save-remote-buffer ()
  "Save a file using rcp.
This command is similiar to save-buffer, but uses rcp to write the file back
to a remote machine.  Also see remote-editing."
  (if (buffer-modified-p)
      (if (zerop (length buffer-remote-file-name))
	  (call-interactively 'write-remote-file)
	(do-write-remote-file buffer-remote-file-name))
    (message "(No changes need to be saved)")))

(defun write-remote-file (host file)
  "Write a file HOST:FILE using rcp.
This command is similiar to write-file, but uses rcp to write the file back
to a remote machine.  Also see remote-editing."
  (interactive (read-remote-file-name "Write remote file" 'no-file-ok))
  (do-write-remote-file (concat host file)))

(defun insert-remote-file (host file)
  "Insert a remote file HOST:FILE using rcp.
This command is similiar to insert-file, but uses rcp to read the file from
a remote machine.  Also see remote-editing."
  (interactive (read-remote-file-name "Insert remote file"))
  (let ((f-or-b (get-remote-file-or-buffer host file "insert")))
    (if f-or-b
	(if (bufferp f-or-b)
	    (insert-buffer f-or-b)
	  (insert-file f-or-b)
	  (delete-file f-or-b)))))
;;; Internal routines

(defun do-write-remote-file (file)
  (let* ((temp (concat "/tmp/" (buffer-name)))
	 (output (save-excursion
		   (prog1 (set-buffer (get-buffer-create "*Rcp Output*"))
	 (cursor-in-echo-area t)
    ;; write-file doesn't quite do it.
      (write-region (point-min) (point-max) temp nil 'no-message))
    (message "Sending %s..." file)
    (if (setq time (remote-process-wait
		    (start-process "rcp" output rcp temp file)))
	  (if remote-editing
	      (let ((new-name
		     (concat (remote-filename-host-part file)
			      (remote-filename-file-part file)))))
		(or (get-buffer new-name) (rename-buffer new-name))
		(set-buffer-modified-p nil)))
	  (setq buffer-remote-file-name file)
	  (message "%d bytes in %d seconds" (buffer-size) time)
	  (delete-file temp))
      (remote-rcp-error output buffer-remote-file-name "update"))))

(defun get-remote-file-or-buffer (host file message)
  "Return a remote file as either a buffer or a file.
If the file HOST:FILE already has been read in, return the buffer
that contains it; otherwise try and rcp the file to the local machine.
If successful, return the local file name."
  (let ((remote (concat host file))
	(temp (concat "/tmp/" (file-name-nondirectory file))))
    (if (file-directory-p file)
	  (message "Remote directory listing not yet implemented")
      (or (get-remote-buffer remote)	  ;; already exists
	  (let* ((output (save-excursion
			   (prog1 (set-buffer (get-buffer-create
					       "*Rcp Output*"))
		 (cursor-in-echo-area t)
	    (message "Retrieving %s..." remote)
	    (if (setq time (remote-process-wait
			    (start-process "rcp" output rcp remote temp)))
		  (message "%d bytes in %d seconds"
			   (nth 7 (file-attributes temp)) time)
	      (remote-rcp-error output remote message)))))))

(defun get-remote-buffer (name)
    (let ((buffers (buffer-list)) found)
      (while (and (not found) buffers)
	(set-buffer (car buffers))
	(if (string= name buffer-remote-file-name)
	    (setq found (car buffers)))
	(setq buffers (cdr buffers)))

(defun read-remote-file-name (prompt &optional no-file-ok)
  "Read a remote file specification, and return list (host file).
Prompting with PROMPT, get a file name.  The initial host defaults
to a value is derived from buffer-remote-file-name, or if there is
none, then from the global default (default-remote-host).

The host can be changed by hitting an ESC."
  (let* ((host (or (remote-filename-host-part buffer-remote-file-name)
	 (file (file-name-directory
		(or (remote-filename-file-part buffer-remote-file-name) ""))))
    (setq host (strip-trailing-colons host))
    (let* ((res (read-remote-file-name-with-completion prompt host file))
	   (host (nth 0 res))
	   (file (nth 1 res)))
      (and track-default-remote-host
	   (setq default-remote-host host))
      (list host
	    (if (or (null file) (string= file (file-name-directory file)))
		(concat file
			(or (if (not (string= buffer-remote-file-name ""))
			    (remote-filename-file-part (buffer-name))

(defun read-remote-file-name-with-completion (prompt host file)
  (let ((cursor-in-echo-area t))
    (message "Hit esc to change the default host")
    (sit-for 1))
  (while (string= ""
		  (setq file
			 (concat prompt " (on " host "): ")
			 file remote-directory-map))))
  (list (concat host ":")
	(if (last-char-is file ?*)
	    (substring file 0 -1)

(defvar remote-dir-info nil
  "Holds the completion table information for read-remote-file-name.
Don't change this.")

(defun remote-directory-set-host ()
  "Internal routine for read-remote-file-name.  Don't call."
  (let* ((enable-recursive-minibuffers t)
	 (new (read-string (format "New host (default %s): " host))))
    (if (string= new "")
      (setq host (strip-trailing-colons new)
					; New host =>
	    remote-dir-info ())		;  must invalidate remote-dir-info,
      (erase-buffer)			;  current file name,
      (exit-minibuffer))))		;  and try again

(defun remote-directory-complete ()
  "Internal routine for read-remote-file-name.  Don't call.
Note that this routine uses the dynamic binding of host."
  (let ((file (buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max))))
    (if (string-match "^~" file)
	  (setq file (remote-expand-~ file))
	  (insert file)))
    (if (or (null remote-dir-info)		       ; no table
	    (not (equal (nth 0 remote-dir-info) host)) ; out-of-date host
	    (not (eq 0 (string-match		       ; out-of-date file
			(regexp-quote (nth 1 remote-dir-info)) file)))
	    (string-match			       ; a new directory
	     "/" (substring file (length (nth 1 remote-dir-info))))
	(setq remote-dir-info
	      (list host file (remote-directory-list host file))))
    (let* ((minibuffer-completion-table
	    (mapcar 'list 
		    (all-completions file (nth 2 remote-dir-info))))
	   (length (length minibuffer-completion-table)))
      (cond ((= length 0)
	     (let ((minibuffer-completion-table '(())))
	    ((= length 1)
	    (t (minibuffer-completion-help)

(defun remote-expand-~ (what)
  (let ((proc (start-process "expand" () remote-shell host "echo" what))
	(cursor-in-echo-area t))
    (message (format "Querying %s to expand %s" host what))
    (set-process-filter proc
			'(lambda (proc string)
			   (setq output string)))
    (accept-process-output proc)
    (substring output 0 -1)))		; remove newline

(defun remote-directory-list (host file)
  (let* ((cursor-in-echo-area t)
	 (host (substring host 0 (string-match ":" host)))
	 (remote-directory-output ""))	; dynamic binding for filter
    (message "Remote directory listing of %s:%s (be patient)" host file)
    ;; System dependent - we want a listing that gives all completions, but
    ;; leaves a slash ("/") at the end of directories.
    (setq file (concat file "*"))
    (setq process (start-process
		   "Remote Directory Listing"
    (set-process-filter process 'remote-directory-filter)
    (if (remote-process-wait process)
	(or (parse-remote-output remote-directory-output) (list nil))
      (error "Couldn't get a remote listing of %s:%s" host file))))

(defun remote-directory-filter (process output)
  ;; remote-directory-output dynamically bound in remote-directory-list
  (setq remote-directory-output (concat remote-directory-output output)))

(defun parse-remote-output (output)
  (let ((case-fold-search t)
	(result ()))
    (if (or (string-match "no match" output)
	    (string-match "not found" output)
	    (string-match "no such file or directory" output))
      (while (string-match "\012" output)
	;; cons the output into a list -
	(setq result (cons (list (substring output 0 (match-beginning 0)))
	      output (substring output (match-end 0)))))

(defun last-char-is (string char)
  "True if last character of STRING is CHAR."
  (and (> (length string) 0)
       (= (aref string (1- (length string)))

(defun strip-trailing-colons (host)
  (while (last-char-is host ?:)
    (setq host (substring host 0 -1)))

(defun remote-filename-host-part (name)
  (if (string-match ".+:" name)
      (substring name 0 (match-end 0))))

(defun remote-filename-file-part (name)
  (if (string-match ".+:\\(.+\\)" name)
      (substring name (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))))

(defun xor (a b)
  (eq (null a) (not (null b))))

(defun remote-process-wait (proc)
  (condition-case ignore
      (let ((time 0))
	(while (eq (process-status proc) 'run)
	  (setq time (1+ time))
	  (sleep-for 1))
	(if (and (eq (process-status proc) 'exit)
		 (eq (process-exit-status proc) 0))
    (quit (progn (kill-process proc)

(defun remote-rcp-error (buffer file-name message)
    (switch-to-buffer buffer)
    (goto-char 1)
    (insert (format "Unable to %s %s\n\n" message file-name))
    (goto-char (point-max))
    (message "Hit any character to continue")
    (bury-buffer buffer)))