[net.games.rogue] request for rogomatic

kyrimis@tilt.FUN (Kriton Kyrimis) (03/02/85)

I was inroduced a couple of weeks ago to rogue, and I'm hooked. A little
before that, there was a program called rogomatic (sp?) in net.sources, that
was supposed to play rogue by itself. Not knowing what it was about, I didn't
copy it, and now, of course, it isn't available. If you think that it would
not be bad for a beginner to have that program, could someone *mail* the source
to me? (Please get my path from the header, because I'm not quite sure what
it is). I understand that there were some bug fixes posted as well. I wouldn't
mind having those either (or better still, receiving the sources with the
bugs corrected).