[gnu.emacs] Notify on mail arrival

boaz@Athena.MIT.EDU (Boaz P Ben-Zvi) (11/21/89)

Has someone hacked up a way to signal in the mode line 
that new mail has arrived ?? I guess it take a process
to run and check periodically the size of
/usr/spool/mail/$user .
Can the display-time process be modified to do that ??

-- Boaz Ben-Zvi  (boaz@lcs.mit.edu)

fad@leander.think.com (Franklin A Davis) (11/22/89)

In article <1989Nov20.182913.23723@athena.mit.edu> boaz@lcs.mit.edu writes:
>Has someone hacked up a way to signal in the mode line 
>that new mail has arrived ?? I guess it take a process
>to run and check periodically the size of
>/usr/spool/mail/$user .
>Can the display-time process be modified to do that ??
>-- Boaz Ben-Zvi  (boaz@lcs.mit.edu)

Yes.  Here's a hack from Mark Ardis, now of SEI, CMU, Pittsburgh.  It
displays the word "Mail" in the mode line whenever you have mail
waiting.  It beeps when mail first arrives.

Note that the emacs/etc/loadst program must have the correct
ownership, group, and setuid for it to work:

-rwxr-sr-x  1 root     kmem        24576 Mar  6  1989 loadst*

This is accomplished by root executing the following three commands
in the emacs/etc directory (wherever that is on your machine):
"chgrp kmem loadst" 
"chown root loadst"
"chmod 2755 loadst"

Here's mail-beep.el.  Remember to run "M-X byte-compile" on it.
Put the file wherever you want and load it in your .emacs file:

(load "wherever/mail-beep")

Then, to turn it on, include the following in your .emacs file:




;;; cut here
;;; $Header: /tmp_mnt/am/p7/utility/gmacs/f3/RCS/mail-beep.el,v 1.1 88/12/27 17:06:42 fad Exp $

;; 10/20/87 Franklin Davis, Thinking Machines Corp. (fad@think.com) 
;; Modified display-time-filter to beep and display message when new mail 
;; arrives.  Idea and implementation from Mark Ardis (maa@sei.cmu.edu)

(defvar display-time-process nil)
(defvar seen-mail nil)  

(defun display-time-filter (proc string)
  ;; Desired data can't need more than the last 30 chars,
  ;; so save time by flushing the rest.
  ;; This way, if we have many different times all collected at once,
  ;; we can discard all but the last few very fast.
  (let (idx mail-idx mail-notice)
    (setq mail-idx (string-match "\\[" string))
    (setq mail-notice (substring string (- mail-idx 4) mail-idx))
    (while (setq idx (string-match "]." string))
      (setq string (substring string (1+ idx))))
    (if (> (length string) 30)
	(setq string (substring string -30)))
    ;; Now discard all but the very last one.
    (while (and (> (length string) 4)
		(string-match "[0-9]+:[0-9][0-9].." string 4))
      (setq string (substring string (match-beginning 0))))
    (if (string-match "[^0-9][0-9]+:" string)
	(setq string (substring string 0 (1+ (match-beginning 0)))))
    ;; Append the date if desired.
    (if display-time-day-and-date
	(setq string (concat (substring (current-time-string) 0 11) string)))
    (if (string-equal mail-notice "Mail")
	(if (not seen-mail)
	      (message "You have new mail.")
	      (setq seen-mail t)
	      )				; progn
	  )				; if
      (setq seen-mail nil)
      )					; if

    ;; Install the new time for display.
    (setq display-time-string string)
    ;; Force redisplay of all buffers' mode lines to be considered.
    (save-excursion (set-buffer (other-buffer)))
    (set-buffer-modified-p (buffer-modified-p))
    ;; Do redisplay right now, if no input pending.
    (sit-for 0)))

  franklin a davis  Thinking Machines Corp. Cambridge, MA 02142   617-876-1111
  <fad@think.com>   {ames, harvard, mit-eddie, uunet}!think!fad 
				Let the four winds blow you safely home!

nrouquet@gringo.usc.edu (Nicolas Rouquette) (11/29/89)

I tried it, that works fine but what is the number between brakets as in:
      4:26pm  1.12[1]
      Time    Load ?

Has anyone hacked a link between time and appointments?  It would be
nice for emacs to warn about incoming appointments for example.

Nicolas Rouquette			E-mail: nrouquet%pollux.usc.edu@usc.edu
Distributed AI Group    		Phone:  (213) 743-3472
Computer Science Department MC-0782
University of Southern California