[gnu.emacs] Nifty function to test things

katz@VENERA.ISI.EDU (02/10/90)

I wrote the following to make testing new functions easier and have
found it useful.  Perhaps others will also.

Suppose you have written a lower level function, foo, which is
supposed to return some value and you want to test it.  However,
suppose that you can't test it while in lisp-interaction-mode (for
example, a lower level rmail function, where you must be in
rmail-mode in order for the function to make sense).  I found myself
writing test interactive functions which ask the user for arguments, 
run foo, and then do a (message) to tell what happened.  I finally 
decided to write a general purpose function.

This is also handy for running built-in functions which happen to be
non-interactive (such as (current-time-string)).  Also, its handy for
finding out what interactive functions actually return.

It can run all interactive functions and non-interactive functions
that take no arguments.  It cannot run non-interactive functions that
take arguments, since we have no way of knowing what types those 
arguments should be.

You might want to bind it to a key.



(defvar test-last-test-fun nil
  "The last function we called with test-function")

(defun test-function(fun)
  "For testing, calls the function FUN interactively and reports what it
returns.  Also works on non-interactive functions IF they have no arguments.
If a null line is entered for FUN, calls the function we used when this
was last called."
  (interactive "aTest the function: ")
  (let* ((is-real (> (length (symbol-name fun)) 0))
	 (real-fun (if is-real fun test-last-test-fun))
	 (fname (symbol-name real-fun))
	 (len (if (subrp (symbol-function real-fun)) 0
		(length (car (cdr (symbol-function real-fun)))))))
    (if is-real (setq test-last-test-fun fun))
    (if (commandp real-fun)
	(message "The interactive function %s returned: %s."
		 (prin1-to-string (call-interactively real-fun)))
      (if (zerop len)
	  (message "The non-interactive function %s returned: %s."
		   (prin1-to-string (apply real-fun nil)))
	(message "Unable to run, %s is non-interactive with %d arg%s."
		 (if (= len 1) "" "s"))))))