[gnu.emacs] epoch beeping on window entry

uucigj@swbatl.sbc.com (Greg Jensen - UCI - 5-3531) (08/03/90)

I don't know if this is the correct group to post this to (that is I don't
know if there is a epoch newsgroup), but I have a question about moving the
mouse into one of the windows after doing an find-file-in-other-screen.
When I move the mouse out and into the screen that came up first with epoch
everything is ok.  After I bring up another screen via the
find-file-in-other-screen (C-z4C-f) and move the mouse out and in, I am
treated with an annoying beep every time I move back into the screen.  I
have enclosed my .emacs (from Michael Meissner posted a while back) and was
hoping to have someone point out the error in my ways.  Thanks

      Gregg Jensen
    These opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect my companies.
      Southwestern Bell Telephone
      Send E-MAIL to the following address...
			   		- or you can try -

; This is a .emacs file for initializing gnuemacs.  Customize however 
; you like

;; epoch::version is an epoch-defined variable whose value is not nil.
;; By looking at it you can tell if you are running epoch.  But! on
;; the other hand, it doesnt exist in a regular gnuemacs, so defvar-ing
;; it to nil here guarantees it will be nil in gnuemacs and non-nil
;; in epoch
(defvar epoch::version nil)     ;; in epoch this wiill not set!

;; running-epoch is a better name for the variable that tells us is we are
;; in epoch or not

(setq running-epoch epoch::version)

;; target-buffer is used by random bits of the epoch code.

(setq target-buffer (get-buffer "*scratch*"))

;; live dangerously

(put 'eval-expression 'disabled nil)

;; because I have so many screens open all the time, and idle C-xC-c can
;; really screw things up for me.  So make sure we dont exit without
;; confirmation, and rebind C-xC-c appropriately

(defun my-exit-from-emacs ()
  (if (yes-or-no-p "Do you want to exit ")

(global-set-key "\C-x\C-c" 'my-exit-from-emacs)

(defun mrm-epoch-switch-screen nil
  "Switch screen and then raise it"

(defun mrm-epoch-recenter (prefix)
  "Recenter under epoch raising the screen as well"
  (interactive "P")
  (recenter prefix)

(if (not (boundp 'epoch::version))
      ;(load "term/x-win")
      ;(autoload 'x-mouse-help	  "x-mouse-help" nil t)
      ;(autoload 'x-mouse-prefix "x-mouse-help" nil t)
      ;;;(x-set-bell t)
    (setq auto-raise-screen nil)
    (setq include-system-name nil)
    (setq terminal-epoch t)
    (setq load-path
          (append load-path
      	    (list "/usr/local/emacs/lisp")))
    (load "epoch")
    (load "smk-x-mouse")
    (load "motion")
    (global-set-key "\C-s" 'mrm-epoch-switch-screen)
    (global-set-key "\C-l"  'mrm-epoch-recenter)
    (setq epoch::screen-properties (append (list
      				      (cons 'font "9x15")
      				      (cons 'geometry "100x54"))
    (epoch::move-screen 7 68)
    (epoch::rebind-key "Prior"  0 "\e[5~")
    (epoch::rebind-key "Next"   0 "\e[6~")
    (epoch::rebind-key "KP_1"   0 "\C-v")
    (epoch::rebind-key "KP_2"   0 "\C-n")
    (epoch::rebind-key "KP_3"   0 "\e[b~")
    (epoch::rebind-key "KP_4"   0 "\C-b")
    (epoch::rebind-key "KP_5"   0 "\C-a")
    (epoch::rebind-key "KP_6"   0 "\C-f")
    (epoch::rebind-key "KP_7"   0 "\M-v")
    (epoch::rebind-key "KP_8"   0 "\C-p")
    (epoch::rebind-key "KP_9"   0 "\e[t~")
    (epoch::rebind-key "KP_F1"  0 "\e[p~")
    (epoch::rebind-key "KP_F2"  0 "\e[q~")
    (epoch::rebind-key "KP_F3"  0 "\e[r~")
    (epoch::rebind-key "KP_F4"  0 "\e[s~")
    (epoch::title "Epoch")))