[gnu.emacs] text string - ex nihilo?

michael@cwi.nl (M. Guravage) (08/23/90)

The text string: ^[[H^[[2J  annoyingly appears at the beginning of  regions replaced
by the C-u shell-command-on-region command, at the beginning of buffers in hexl-mode,
and sporadically in texinfo files I've formatted.

Any suggestions where such text strings might possibly come from?

Thanks in advance.
Michael A. Guravage                                    Email: michael@cwi.nl
Centre for Mathematics & Computer Science (CWI)        Phone: +31 20 5924009
Department of Interactive Systems                      Telex: 12571 mactr nl
Kruislaan 413, 1098 SJ Amsterdam  The Netherlands      Telefax: +31 20 5924199