[gnu.emacs] Calc 1.05 is now ready

daveg@near.cs.caltech.edu (Dave Gillespie) (10/10/90)

Version 1.05 of the GNU Emacs Calculator is ready at last.  There have
been great improvements in all aspects of the program.  So great, in
fact, that the 1.04 -> 1.05 patch comes in twenty (20) parts.  Although
I have customarily posted patches to gnu.emacs and comp.emacs as well
as to comp.sources.misc, I decided to spare the net and post only to
comp.sources.misc this time.  You can also get a fresh distribution
using anonymous FTP from csvax.cs.caltech.edu [].

If you don't have access to comp.sources.unix, you can find archives
of it on the machine uunet.uu.net and elsewhere.

Here is a list of differences between Calc 1.04 and Calc 1.05:

 * Created a calc-install command to ease installation.
 * Added lots of exercises to the Tutorial section of the manual.
 * Added ability to select and operate on sub-formulas.
 * Substantially improved the algebraic rewrite-rule system.
 * Added a set of graphing commands that use GNUPLOT.
 * Added a command (`a R') for finding numerical roots to equations.
 * Added several new math functions, such as erf and Bessel functions.
 * Added key bindings for miscellaneous commands using the "f" prefix key.
 * Added lots of new vector operations, many of them in the spirit of APL.
 * Added more control over vector display, including an abbreviated mode.
 * Improved keyboard macro editing; added read-kbd-macro to macedit.el.
 * Introduced the `m S' (calc-shift-prefix) command.
 * Enhanced the calc-edit command in several ways.
 * Made it possible to hit ` (calc-edit) during numeric/algebraic entry.
 * Enhanced the calc-solve-for command to handle inequalities.
 * Enhanced calc-simplify to handle equations and inequalities.
 * Taught log10 and log to look for exact integer or rational results.
 * Added ability to take Nth roots directly.
 * Added "increment" and "decrement" commands for integers and floats.
 * Added "full-help" command, changed "h" key to invoke it.
 * Added special help for Inverse and Hyperbolic prefixes.
 * Added an optional prefix argument to `o' (calc-realign).
 * Changed `t s' and `t r' to use RET as the search exit key.
 * Made handling of operator keys for V M, V R, etc. more regular.
 * Improved TeX mode; added support for \matrix format.
 * Added a variant of `m a' mode that only affects ( and [ keys.
 * Fixed "Mismatch" message for algebraic entry of semi-open intervals.
 * Trimmed fat from calc.el to speed loading, moved more to calc-ext.el.
 * Fixed a bug in which minibuffer entry rounded to out-of-date precision.
 * Fixed a bug which crashed Calc 1.04 under Epoch.
 * Fixed a bug which messed up Calc Trail's mode line, among other things.
 * Fixed a bug which caused trail ">" to show only when in Trail buffer.
 * Fixed a bug in which "calc" called "calc-grab-region" with too few args.
 * Fixed bugs in both implementation and documentation of calc-perm.
 * Fixed a bug in which calc-simplify-extended always used radians.
 * Fixed a bug where calc-comma failed to override "polar" mode.
 * Fixed a bug doing mixed arithmetic on rectangular+polar complex numbers.
 * Fixed several bugs in transcendental functions with complex arguments.
 * Fixed a bug in which `a s' simplified "x / .5" to ".5 x".
 * Fixed numerous other bugs in various parts of Calc.
 * Completed the "Hooks" section of the "Internals" chapter of the manual.


								-- Dave
Dave Gillespie
  256-80 Caltech Pasadena CA USA 91125
  daveg@csvax.cs.caltech.edu, ...!cit-vax!daveg