mgresham@dscatl.UUCP (Mark Gresham) (12/19/88)
Greetings, I'm posting this question for Lacrecia Bowdoin: Concerning earthworms: I'm interested in any current research in beneficial effects to soil regeneration, and earthworm farming -- research and information about site specificity and the effectiveness of translocation. Practical information about earthworm farming setups and delivery systems would also be appreciated. The names and addresses of successful earthworm farming operations would also be useful. Thanks in advance for all info! Please e-mail responses only, as I don't currently monitor this newsgroup. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Mark Gresham Atlanta, GA, USA UUCP: ...!gatech!dscatl!mgresham INTERNET: dscatl! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++