ray@brahms.udel.edu (Thomas Ray) (04/21/91)
Third Congress - European Society for Evolutionary Biology Debrecen, Hungary, from Monday to Friday, 2-6 September 1991 Plenary Lectures: John Maynard Smith, Sussex (Presidential Address) Ford Doolittle, UC San Diego Peter Grant, Princeton Stuart Kauffman, Pennsylvania Alexei Kondrashov, Pushchino Steve Stearns, Basel E. Szathmary, Budapest Symposia: Selection in Complex Situations (Gerdien de Jong, Utrecht) Coevolution (Volker Loeschcke, Aarhus) Evolution in Metapopulations (Pierre-Henri Gouyon, Paris) Paleontological Approaches to Evolution (Antoni Hoffman, Warsaw) Consequences of Molecular Evolution for Organisms (Gaby Dover, Cambridge) Developmental Rules and Evolution (Tim Horder, Oxford) Workshops: Genetics and ecology of metapopulations Optimal energy allocation Measureing selection in heterogeneous environments Polyploidy and evolution The release of genetically manipulated organisms The subdivision of species Parthenogenesis in evolution Spun-glass models in evolution Vertebrate phylogenies: molecular, morphological, paleontological Habitat selection and sympatric speciation in metapopulations Speakers for the Coevolution Symposium: Bill Hamilton, John Barret, John Addicot, Tom Ray, and maybe Nils Christian Stenseth and Janis Antonovics (awaiting confirmation on the last two). An organizer to contact: stearns@urz.unibas.ch (Steve Stearns) Local contact: Dr. Liz Pasztor, Dept of Genetics, Eoetvoes University, Muzeum krt. 4/a, H-1088 Budapest, Hungary fax: --36-1-1187952 (it is the faculty fax machine).