[net.games.rogue] strange orc behavior

jjg@security.UUCP (Jeff Glass) (08/14/85)

While playing rogue 5.3 the other day, I entered a room in which an orc
was resting.  I saw that there was no pile of gold in the room, so I
braced myself for his attack, figuring that the orc would try to repossess
the gold in my pack.  But no!  The orc headed for an empty square
and stayed there, just as if he had found gold in that square.

Repeated searches of that square and its vicinity failed to find any
hidden treasure, so I have no idea what the orc was up to.  Has anyone
else seen behavior like this?


where did all the people on net.games.rogue go, anyway?
  security!jjg@mitre-bedford.ARPA				(MIL)
 {allegra,ihnp4,utzoo,philabs,uw-beaver}!linus!security!jjg	(UUCP)

cmt@myriasb.UUCP (Chris Thomson) (08/22/85)

Even stranger behaviour occurs when you get between an orc and its gold.
It will walk under you.  For example, the following is an entirely repeatable
    ---@---        ---+---       ---+---
    ..O.*..        ...@*..       ...@O..
    .......        .......       .......

In fact, you can walk several spaces on top of an orc:
    -@-----        -+-----       -+-----       -+-----
    O....*.        .@...*.       ..@..*.       ...@.*.
    .......        .......       .......       .......
When you get to the gold, you pick it up and get attacked by the orc, who
is one step behind you, since you move first.

dta@cpsc53.UUCP (Doug Anderson) (08/22/85)

> where did all the people on net.games.rogue go, anyway?
> -- 
>   security!jjg@mitre-bedford.ARPA				(MIL)
>  {allegra,ihnp4,utzoo,philabs,uw-beaver}!linus!security!jjg	(UUCP)

They are all "surrounded by twisty passages"