[gnu.gcc] Papers and the GCC ports to 370, Convex, and Alliant

brooks@maddog.llnl.gov (12/23/88)

The FSF is evidently waiting for papers on the above listed
ports of GCC before distributing these versions.  We certainly
agree with the notion of FSF waiting for legal biz to be taken
care of before distributing the new ports, but desperately
need GCC on the Alliant for compatiblity with GCC usage on
several other machines.

If the soul who is HOARDING the copy of the Alliant port
could somehow expedite matters and provide us with a copy
of the port we would appreciate it.


rms@WHEATIES.AI.MIT.EDU (Richard Stallman) (12/23/88)

I said the Alliant port was waiting for papers to arrive.
I did not say that anyone was being obstructionist.
Please don't jump to alarmist conclusions.