[gnu.gcc] Gcc 1.34?

meissner@xyzzy.UUCP (Michael Meissner) (03/09/89)

In article <4333@psuvax1.cs.psu.edu> schwartz@shire.cs.psu.edu (Scott Schwartz) writes:
| In article <13724@duke.cs.duke.edu>, ndd@romeo (Ned D. Danieley) writes:
| >Okay, I got several answers. It turns out that gcc 1.33 works just
| >fine, with the exception of oscolor.c and rgb. I suspect that these would
| >work, too, if I had applied the dbm fix suggested in the Purdue
| >speedup notes.
| I hate to ask, but, has anyone tried gcc 1.34?  I am thinking about
| building R3+purdue2.1 with it, but would like to know if anyone has
| had bad results with this combination before I start on it.

I don't know about about the Sun4 support, but we just built R3 +
purdue 2.1 + other fixes from fix-trackers with 1.34, and it it seems
to work fine.  We didn't use the -fpcc-struct-return switch, but did
the old compile oscolor.c with the Sun compiler.

Michael Meissner, Data General.
Uucp:	...!mcnc!rti!xyzzy!meissner
Arpa:	meissner@dg-rtp.DG.COM   (or) meissner%dg-rtp.DG.COM@relay.cs.net