[gnu.gcc] gcc on vax, instruction non-use.

aeusemrs@csuna.csun.edu (Mike Stump) (03/26/89)

Here is a complete, or more than complete list of instructions
on the vax that gcc does not (or might not in the case of the
non-instructions like .comm etc...) output.  When I say vax I
mean /bin/as on Ultrix V2.2 on uVax.

If you think gcc should have some of them, add them; others
I know are beyond the scope of gcc.

.ABORT	    addd2	clrg	    cvtwd	movo
.abort	    addd3	clrh	    cvtwg	movp
.align	    addg2	clro	    cvtwh	movpsl
.ascii	    addg3	clrq	    divd2	movtc
.asciz	    addh2	cmpc3	    divd3	movtuc
.byte	    addh3	cmpc5	    divg2	mtpr
.comm	    addp4	cmpd	    divg3	muld2
.data	    addp6	cmpg	    divh2	muld3
.dfloat	    adwc	cmph	    divh3	mulg2
.double	    aobleq	cmpp3	    divp	mulg3
.ffloat	    aoblss	cmpp4	    editpc	mulh2
.file	    ashp	cvtbd	    ediv	mulh3
.fill	    bbcc	cvtbg	    emodd	mulp
.float	    bbcci	cvtbh	    emodf	polyd
.gfloat	    bbcs	cvtdb	    emodg	polyf
.global	    bbsc	cvtdf	    emodh	polyg
.globl	    bbss	cvtdh	    emul	polyh
.hfloat	    bbssi	cvtdl	    escd	popr
.int	    beql	cvtdw	    esce	prober
.lcomm	    beqlu	cvtfd	    escf	probew
.line	    bgeq	cvtfg	    halt	pushag
.lineno	    bgequ	cvtfh	    index	pushah
.long	    bgtr	cvtgb	    insqhi	pushao
.lsym	    bgtru	cvtgf	    insqti	pushaq
.octa	    bicpsw	cvtgh	    insque	pushr
.org	    bispsw	cvtgl	    jbcc	remqhi
.quad	    blbc	cvtgw	    jbcs	remqti
.set	    blbs	cvthb	    jbsc	remque
.space	    bleq	cvthd	    jbss	sbwc
.stab	    blequ	cvthf	    jeqlu	scanc
.stabd	    blss	cvthg	    jnequ	skpc
.stabdot    blssu	cvthl	    ldpctx	sobgeq
.stabn	    bneq	cvthw	    locc	sobgtr
.stabnone   bnequ	cvtld	    matchc	spanc
.stabs	    bsbb	cvtlg	    mfpr	subd2
.stabstr    bsbw	cvtlh	    mnegd	subd3
.text	    bugl	cvtlp	    mnegg	subg2
.word	    bugw	cvtpl	    mnegh	subg3
acbb	    callg	cvtps	    movag	subh2
acbd	    caseb	cvtpt	    movah	subh3
acbf	    casew	cvtrdl	    movao	subp4
acbg	    chme	cvtrfl	    movaq	subp6
acbh	    chmk	cvtrgl	    movc5	svpctx
acbl	    chms	cvtrhl	    movd	tstd
acbw	    chmu	cvtsp	    movg	tstg
adawi	    clrd	cvttp	    movh	tsth
Mike Stump, Cal State Univ, Northridge Comp Sci Department
uucp: {sdcrdcf, hplabs, ttidca, psivax, csustan}!csun!csuna!aeusemrs