[gnu.gcc] a portability suggestion

stuart@bms-at.UUCP (Stuart Gathman) (05/30/89)

Preface: Has anyone gotten GCC ported to the Motorola 8000 series?  
	 Does anyone offer warrantee service for such?  If so, please
	 send E-mail.


    I love GCC as far as I've got it working.  My problem is this: the
pcc compiler I am trying to replace is incredibly buggy.

    The place where AT&T's monster screws up the most is in the large macros
used in GCC's code generation.  These are also the hardest in which to discover
compiler bugs by poring over asm output.

    My suggestion is to use GCC 'inline' functions in place of the large
macros.  When compiling with non-GCC compilers, 'inline' can be #defined to
'static'.  The final version when compiled with GCC should be just as fast
as using the macros.

1) I am sure you've already thought of this.
2) We have GCC version 1.32.
3) I am going to attempt cross compiling from 386 Xenix next.
4) You wonder, what kind of pcc bugs?  Well, for example, && and || don't
   always evaluate left to right, and that's only the beginning . . .
Stuart D. Gathman	<stuart@bms-at.uucp>