[gnu.gcc] GCC list contents


In response to RMS' request, let me state my support for restricting
Gnu project newsgroups' contents.
  FSF has made it quite clear that they (the people who do the lion's
share of the work) are unhappy about information re Apple products
appearing on the Gnu lists. Common courtesy should dictate that those
desiring to talk about them take such talk elsewhere. If some want to
act like children in this matter and insist on bringing such topics
into the conversation [ever had a kid start talking about his playing
with worms over dinner, for a mild example? :-) ] they need to be
treated appropriately. The mildest form of adult response is telling
them to kindly change the subject. This has been done. I for one hope
that will suffice, as I prefer a technical forum and would regret to
see effort spent in removing offensive material from the list. We are
not talking fascism here...only simple adult courtesy.
   The current spate of lawsuits and other legal activities is unfortunately
not limited to Apple, but one must start somewhere. I believe the threat
is serious enough that any serious software professional needs to consider
that HIS (her) code might be covered someday by the kind of legal action
Apple has started. If we want to retain that freedom of expression which
serves to provide us incomes, we need to oppose this kind of legalism.
Folks are free to disagree, but it is impolite of them to insist upon
disrupting an interchange designed for other purposes to express that
disagreement. Take the flames to apple specific groups, please, if
their participants are interested. Let's get the Gnu newsgroups back
from this religious war and try to avoid imposing unwanted burdens on
the FSF guys.
   Glenn Everhart