[gnu.gcc] biblical references?

lewie@EE.ECN.PURDUE.EDU (Jeff Lewis) (06/14/89)

from Benson I. Margulies:
> And while I'm annoyed: when is the FSF going to remove the
> anti-semitic illustration from the cover of the emacs manual? The
> supposed software hoarder could be copied from any number of Nazi
> cartoons in the museum of them in Jerusalem.

from reply by George J. Carrette:
> Also, your reference to the biblical zealots is way off base. It would
> be more accurate to compare FSF followers with the followers of new
> testament figures.

1.  I see no reference to biblical zealots in the above paragraph.  In
    fact, the word biblical doesn't even appear except in your posting.
    The zealots referred to are *Nazi*, not christian.  The reference as
    I see it is to the ignorant portayal of Jews as being 'hoarders'
    by Nazi propagandists.  I'm sure someone will point out that there's
    no anti-semitic intention and that the similarity is only coincidental.
    The cover artwork, is, however a nice piece of propaganda, albeit,
    I've always thought harmless, which portrays a similar slander
    against the supposed software 'hoarders.'

2.  In what sense would a comparison of FSF followers with new testament
    followers make sense other than, perhaps, in 'religious' fervor?

--Jeff Lewis