[gnu.gcc] cross-gcc: looking for a

roberto@cernvax.UUCP (roberto bagnara) (08/21/89)

Now that I've GCC running as a cross-compiler, I'm looking for a free
easy-to-port C library. I haven't seen nothing like that in the GNU
distribution list. Really what I need is a subset of what you can find
in a Unix C library, for the time being I would be happy with:

	- character handling
	- mathematics (mc68000 and mc68020 without coprocessor)
	- input/output
	- string handling

Any pointers ?

Thanks for your time

                  Roberto Bagnara
                  Data Handling Division
                  CH-1211 GENEVA 23

P.S. Many thanks to

        pardo@june.cs.washington.edu (David Keppel),
	Igor Metz <metz@iam.unibe.ch>,
	"Diomidis Spinellis" <ecrcvax!diomidis>
	P{r Emanuelsson <pell@isy.liu.se>
	Bryan Boreham <mcvax!kewill!bryan>

     who responded to my article "math.h allowing for fast inline code
     generation (M68881)" and sent me what I was looking for.