[soc.culture.arabic] Machine Readable versions of Quran

eederavi@cybaswan.UUCP (Farzin Deravi) (06/28/89)

Are there any machine readable versions of Quran?

I just called a firm called Applied Microsystem Technology
which used to make a package called Salsabil for the PC.
It has arabic characters appearing on a CGA screen
with the whole text of the Quran and some rudimentary search facilities.

However I was told the package  has been withdrawn for various
technical and copyright (!) reasons.

A new bug-free version is due Nov 1989. The problem is that it is
only to be marketed in the middle east.

The question : are there other packages? And where / how can I get
hold of them?

                                   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Farzin Deravi,                   | UUCP  : ...!ukc!pyr.swan.ac.uk!eederavi|
Image Processing Laboratory,     | JANET : eederavi@uk.ac.swan.pyr        |
Electrical Engineering Dept.,    | voice : +44 792 295583                 |
University of Wales,             | Fax   : +44 792 295532                 |
Swansea, SA2 8PP, U.K.           | Telex : 48358                          |
                                   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

jwm@stdc.jhuapl.edu (Jim Meritt) (06/30/89)

In article <529@cybaswan.UUCP> eederavi@cybaswan.UUCP (Farzin Deravi) writes:
}Are there any machine readable versions of Quran?

Are there any ascii translations available by anon ftp?

I got the Bible (ot & nt) from utank.chicago, and wrote a quick search
script and would really like an on-line Quran, too.

"For those who like this sort of thing, this is the sort of thing they like."
						Abraham Lincoln
...............and not necessarily this, or any other, organization's! .......
jwm@aplvax.jhuapl.edu  - or - jwm@aplvax.uucp  - or - meritt%aplvm.BITNET