[soc.culture.arabic] Call for discussion - soc.religion.islam

khan@iuvax.cs.indiana.edu (Iqbal Mustafa Khan) (10/02/89)

In article <3301@amelia.nas.nasa.gov> prabhu@amelia.nas.nasa.gov (Dinesh K. Prabhu) writes:
>   2) I have a lot of trouble with the concept of a moderated newsgroup.

I agree with Dinesh that a moderator is not a very good idea and I do not
support it.  I think the newsground should like every other newsground so
everybody can freely post articles to it.

>     Dinesh K. Prabhu (e-mail: dkprabhu@ames.arc.nasa.gov)
>     "Knowledge is proud that he has learn'd so much;
>      Wisdom is humble that he knows no more." William Cowper
>     Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the article above are mine alone

Iqbal Mustafa Khan
Computer Science Department
Indiana University
Bloomington, Indiana