[soc.culture.arabic] Advice on marking keyboards needed

mentat@walt.cc.utexas.edu (Robert Dorsett) (10/08/89)

I need an Arabic MacPlus keyboard.

Apple Computer doesn't sell international keyboards in the United States, al-
though they claim negotiations are under effect with APDA to sell the *French*

I called a computer store in Amman; they want $250 for a basic keyboard, and
$500 for a word processor using the Script Manager.  These prices are a bit
much for my budget.

SO, I'm now looking at marking up my own keyboard, and need advice on how to 
proceed.  If anyone could recommend inks, techniques, etc. I'd be grateful.
Non-permanent inks (which can be removed, but which wouldn't be likely to
wear away in normal use) would be of interest.  My idea is to currently mark
the front (facing the user) side of the keys with the appropriate character
mapped by the Arabic System.

Robert Dorsett                                   
Internet: rdd@rascal.ics.utexas.edu               
UUCP: ...cs.utexas.edu!rascal.ics.utexas.edu!rdd