[soc.culture.arabic] Contacting pilgrims of HAJJ

wt01@gte.com (Wasim Tauqir) (07/03/90)

Any reliable news about the tragic deaths of pilgrims in Saudi Arabia
while performing HAJJ in the tunnel ?

Would there be someone who can help in locating or direct me in locating
my relatives who are performing HAJJ ths year ?


Wasim Tauqir
GTE Labs
(617)466-2175 OFF.
wt01@gte.com     e_mail address.

beekun@ncar.UCAR.EDU (R. I. Beekun) (07/04/90)

In article <13833@wpi.wpi.edu> wt01@gte.com (Wasim Tauqir) writes:

>Any reliable news about the tragic deaths of pilgrims in Saudi Arabia
>while performing HAJJ in the tunnel ?

The venerable kingdom seems to have been caught totally unprepared. They
are using a favorite old technique: the news blackout.

I sympathize with you, and pray to Allah that your parents are alive and
in good health.

Abu Syed Marwan

:... We decreed for the children of   :                                    :
:Israel that whosoever kills a human  :                                    :
:being for other than manslaughter or :                 / |        ""    | :
:corruption in the earth, it shall be :               /   |         |  | | :
:as though he had killed all mankind, :              |    |    __|  |  | | :
:and whoso saves the life of one, it  :      ____|___|    |   <__|__|__| | :
:shall be as though he had saved the  :     |  *                           :
:life of all mankind. (Qur'an 5: 32)  :  _ /                               :

bro@eunomia.rice.edu (Douglas Monk) (07/05/90)

In article <13833@wpi.wpi.edu> wt01@gte.com (Wasim Tauqir) writes:
>Any reliable news about the tragic deaths of pilgrims in Saudi Arabia
>while performing HAJJ in the tunnel ?

CNN was reporting this morning that foreign diplomats on the scene report
that problems with ventilation equipment in a "pedestrian tunnel" led to
people gasping for air in the 122 degree (F) heat. In the ensuing stampede to
get out, approximately 1400 people died from suffocation and crushing. The
victims were reported to be mostly Malaysians and Indonesians.

I am not clear on where this "pedestrian tunnel" is. Is it the chamber
enclosing Safa and Marwa, the hills between which pilgrims must run as part
of the Hajj (Pilgrimage) rituals? That would account for

The reports remind me of the soccer stadium tragedy in Britain in which a
number of people died trying to get in through a gate in a fence. How many
died there?

Doug Monk

Disclaimer: These views are mine, not necessarily my organization's.

alaa@darwish::westford.ccur.com (Alaa Zeineldine) (07/05/90)

In article <13833@wpi.wpi.edu> wt01@gte.com (Wasim Tauqir) writes:
>Any reliable news about the tragic deaths of pilgrims in Saudi Arabia
>while performing HAJJ in the tunnel ?

I tried the Saudi Embassy in Washington but they have no information, and
they seem to be closed for Eid El-Adha, maybe if they get a large number
of calls they would set up an information desk or something. if anyone
knows about other sources please post them, as there must more people like
... and I who are trying to get news of relatives.


Alaa Zeineldine		alaa@tinton.ccur.com	work: (201) 758 7344 
						home: (201) 308 9180

beekun@ncar.UCAR.EDU (R. I. Beekun) (07/05/90)

According to the Wall Stree Journal (July 3, 1990),

A diplomat reported that "most of the victims were Malaysians and Indonesians."
May Allah give them Paradise!

Abu Syed Marwan

:... We decreed for the children of   :                                    :
:Israel that whosoever kills a human  :                                    :
:being for other than manslaughter or :                 / |        ""    | :
:corruption in the earth, it shall be :               /   |         |  | | :
:as though he had killed all mankind, :              |    |    __|  |  | | :
:and whoso saves the life of one, it  :      ____|___|    |   <__|__|__| | :
:shall be as though he had saved the  :     |  *                           :
:life of all mankind. (Qur'an 5: 32)  :  _ /                               :

aj3u@uvacs.cs.virginia.edu (Asim Jalis) (07/05/90)

In article <13837@wpi.wpi.edu> uunet!unrvax!unssun.nevada.edu!beekun@ncar.UCAR.EDU (R. I. Beekun) writes:
>The venerable kingdom seems to have been caught totally unprepared. They
>are using a favorite old technique: the news blackout.

I don't understand how the Saudis could be held responsible for any
part of the tragedy.  The construction of the tunnel was a genuinely
good idea and if the people at the gate had shown more civilized
patience, the unfortunate incident would not have occurred.

So why would the Saudis impose the "news blackout" when they have
nothing to hide?

Are you suggesting that the "kingdom" provoked the stampede?  You tone
certainly suggests this.  If sound reasoning leads to this conclusion,
I would be interested in hearing more of it.


beekun@ncar.UCAR.EDU (R. I. Beekun) (07/06/90)

In article <13867@wpi.wpi.edu> aj3u@uvacs.cs.virginia.edu (Asim Jalis) writes:
>In article <13837@wpi.wpi.edu> uunet!unrvax!unssun.nevada.edu!beekun@ncar.UCAR.EDU (R. I. Beekun) writes:
>>The venerable kingdom seems to have been caught totally unprepared. They
>>are using a favorite old technique: the news blackout.

I agree that the construction of the tunnel was a good idea. Whether it
was implemented correctly is another question given the level of 
graft that exists in the Kingdom.

>So why would the Saudis impose the "news blackout" when they have
>nothing to hide?

According to all the news reports that I read, they would not allow
any member of the news media in the vicinity. I assume that Muslim
members of the media were also excluded. This action would not be
wise in light of the fact that the relatives of at least 2 million 
hajjis were being wracked by anxiety while the news blackout lasted.

>Are you suggesting that the "kingdom" provoked the stampede?  

I never suggested that the Kingdom provoked the stampede. Once it
happened, they should have kept the lines of communication open
to the outside world to inform the relatives of those who were 
performing the Hajj. That would be the Islamic thing to do.


This is my last posting on this subject since I do not wish to be 
involved in a controversy where none exists.

Abu Syed Marwan

:... We decreed for the children of   :                                    :
:Israel that whosoever kills a human  :                                    :
:being for other than manslaughter or :                 / |        ""    | :
:corruption in the earth, it shall be :               /   |         |  | | :
:as though he had killed all mankind, :              |    |    __|  |  | | :
:and whoso saves the life of one, it  :      ____|___|    |   <__|__|__| | :
:shall be as though he had saved the  :     |  *                           :
:life of all mankind. (Qur'an 5: 32)  :  _ /                               :