[soc.culture.arabic] A letter to King Fahd of Arabia.

abaza@csd4.csd.uwm.edu (09/04/90)

 The following is a template for a letter that was signed by many Muslims
 and sent to King Fahd. 
 I am posting this letter for a friend who doesnot have an access to
 the network.

          To: King Fahd  of  Saudi  Arabia,  the  Kings,  the  Ameers,  and
          Presidents of the Moslem countries

          Peace upon those who follow the guidance:

          Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) said:
           "ALLAH prohibits the entrance of Jannah (Paradise) for any ruler
          whose rule is full of cunning and mischief to his people"

          The call of the American and European troops into  the  heart  of
          the  Moslem land is totally and categorically rejected by me as a
          Moslem who has right to that land of Islam, and to the  resources
          in  that  land  of Islam. Calling the troops grants the kafirs an
          authority over our Moslem land and people  and  therefore  it  is
          HARAM.  Allying yourself and the Moslems under your rule with the
          America and Europe is HARAM. Calling the  westerns   troops
          to  defend the Moslem land and people (as you claim) or to defend
          your own ruling power as the facts indicate, or even  to  protect
          the  interests  of America as the American officials did not even
          care to hide is an act of  HARAM.  These  outrageous,  evil,  and
          HARAM  acts certainly provoke the severe punishment of ALLAH, and
          the outrage of the Moslem ummah including myself.

          Therefore, as a Moslem believing in  Allah,  his  Messenger,  the
          QURAN, and the day of judgment, I demand that you:

           (1)   Ask all the multinational troops in Arabia and the Gulf to
                 leave immediately unless they accept Islam and become part
                 of the Moslem army.

           (2)   Withdraw from the United Nations which  granted  the  U.S.
                 and  Europe  the  power to interfere in the affairs of the
                 Moslems, and from the Arab League which provided the cover
                 for such outrageous act.

           (3)   Announce that the oil resources in Saudi  Arabia  and  the
                 Gulf  are  not  American  interests;  rather  they are the
                 interest of the Moslem ummah only.

           (4)   Denounce the artificial borders which were  drawn  by  the
                 colonialist kafirs between Moslem lands.

           (5)   Restore the Islamic Ruling System which was established in
                 Medina  by  the  Prophet (pbuh) and continued by Abu Bakr,
                 Omar, Othman, Ali, and the rest  of  the  Khilafahs  until

           "Promise the believers that they will be highly honored by their
          Lord "

           "Promise the hypocrites that they will be severely punished  for
          they ally themselves with the kafirs instead of the believers ."