snell@utzoo.UUCP () (02/24/86)
The poor wee brain of the IIe (or IIc for that matter) is simply too small to hold an even 1/4 way decent rogue game: thus, none is available.
heins@isucs1.UUCP (03/17/86)
/***** / utzoo!snell / 2:24 am Feb 28, 1986 */ >The poor wee brain of the IIe (or IIc for that matter) >is simply too small to hold an even 1/4 way >decent rogue game: thus, none is available. Hmmm... a rather thoughtless comment... obviously you've never seen Ultima IV from Origin Systems... it is a rather interesting game, and it does more than just text graphics too. It is at least as large, intricate and involved as Rogue, and it happily runs on 64k single drive machines. This isn't, so stick to talking about, and please don't needlessly insult anyone's computer. Lee Heins umn-cs!isucs1!heins /* ---------- */