[soc.culture.arabic] SW Monitors Needed in Middle East Region

cee@wshb.csms.com ( CSMS Sr Station Mgr) (03/19/91)

	Hi, Netlanders.  I have posted this request before, but unfortunately
I was unable to contact the respondent in Cairo who answered our request.

	The World Service of The Christian Science Monitor is searching for
Volunteer Monitors to monitor our shortwave broadcasts into the Middle East
region.  These volunteers will recieve Report Forms, Schedules, QSL cards
and bumper stickers, and we will reimburse the Monitor for his/her postal
	If anyone is interested in joining our selct group of worldwide
Monitors, please e-mail me, or write to

	Primary Monitor Reports
	Rt. 2, Box 107-A
	Pineland, S. C.  29934

 C. Ed Evans, Senior Station Manager, CSMS * cee@wshb.csms.com  (803)625-4880
 WSHB, Cypress Creek, SC * WCSN, Scotts Corner, ME * KHBI, Saipan, Mariana I.