[melb.seminars] Australian Database Conference - Program and Proceedings

johnz@latcs1.oz.au (John Zeleznikow) (01/18/90)


               Australian Database Conference

                  Tuesday 6 February 1990
               Monash University, Clayton VIC


8.30 - 9:00             Registration

9:00 - 10:50            Session I

        Design Considerations for a Document Database System
        R.Sacks-Davis, J. A. Thom, A. J. Kent, K. Ramamohanarao,
        - ----- -----  -  -  ----  -  -  ----  -  -------------
        Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Melbourne.

        An Experimental System for Conceptual Evolution of
        Object Databases
        Qing Li,
        ---- --
        Department of Computer Science,
        Australian National University.

        Conceptual Schemas and Relational Databases,
        T. A. Halpin,
        -  -  ------
        Department of Computer Science,
        University of Queensland.

        Multi Database Enquiry Service - MDB - ES,
        A. A. Barfoursh, G. N. Lance and M. H. Rogers,
        -  -  ---------  -  -  ----- --- -  -  ------
        Department of Computer Science,
        University of Bristol.

        An Overview of Integration in Heterogeneous Information Systems,
        Peter Bernus,
        ----- ------
        Centre of Expertise in Distributed Information Systems,
        University of Queensland.

10:50 - 11:10           Coffee Break

11:10 - 12:40           Session II

        Research Issues in Knowledge Bases,
        Robert M Colomb,
        ------ - ------
        CSIRO Division of Technology. NSW.

        Using Multiple Knowledge Bases to Model the Pragmatic
        Aspects of Speech Acts,
        R. Lelouche,
        -  --------
        Department of Computer Science,
        Laval University, Quebec, Canada.

        On Enhancements of Semantic Methodologies for Relational
        Database Design
        M. E. Orlowska and Y. Zhang,
        -  -  -------- --- -  -----
        Key Centre for Software Technology,
        University of Queensland.

        The R2 Model: Database = Relations + Relationships,
        F. Mili and H. Mili,
        -  ---- --- -  ----
        School of Engineering and Computer Science,
        Oakland University, Rochester, USA.

12:40 -  2:00           Lunch

2:00 - 3:40             Session III

        Commercial Database Performance - Do we know where we are,
        much less where we are going,
        Ken J. McDonell,
        --- -  --------
        Pyramid Systems, Melbourne.

        The Influence of Skew Distributions on Query Optimization,
        T. Montgomery, C. C. Low and  Daryl D' Souza,
        -  ----------  -  -  --- ---  ----- -  -----
        Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Melbourne.

        Prevention of Compromise of Small Statistical Databases using
        Audit Expert,
        M. Miller, and J. Seberry,
        -  ------  --- -  -------
        Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Computing Science,
        University of New England.

        Implementation of a Multilevel Encryption Scheme for
        Database Security,
        T. Hardjono, M. Jennings and C. Lokan,
        -  --------  -  -------- --- -  -----
        Department of Computer Science,
        Australian Defence Force Academy.

        Proof of a Concurrency Control Algorithm using Possibilities Mapping,,
        J. K. Lee and A. Fekete,
        -  -  --- --- -  ------
        Basser Department of Computer Science, University of Sydney.

3:40 - 4:00             Coffee Break

4:00 - 5:00             Future meetings

        4:00 - 4:30     VLDB 16  Presentation

        4:30 - 5:00     On the Future of the Australian Database Conference


If you still have not registered for the conference, please send a cheque
for $A18.50 to:

Australian Database Research Conference,
c/- Dr. B. Srinivasan,
Department of Computer Science,
Monash University,
Clayton Victoria 3168


We have negotiated with a publisher, World Scientific,  an
international publisher whose offices are located at New
Jersey, London, Singapore  and Hong Kong , to publish the proceedings. 
The publisher has agreed to publish the proceedings provided we can
place an order for 50 copies to be distributed to the conference
participants. Hence  we need to send the order along with the camera
ready copy of the proceedings. The publisher has
agreed to sell the proceedings at half of the cover price to 
participants, provided we place a bulk order. The quoted half price
of the proceedings is A$30.00.
Hence we request you to place your order
(as well for others who may like to have a copy) and pay
the proceedings cost when you attend the conference.
If you are  NOT attending the conference, but would like to have a copy,
send the money by cheque payable to Dr B. Srinivasan, before Feb 6, 1990.
If you need a receipt, let us know so that we can send one.
Also we would appreciate if you can inform us who else would be
interested in buying a copy of the proceedings. We am trying to
generate good will with the publisher so that future database
conference proceedings can also be published.

The expected date of the availability of the proceedings is APRIL 15, 1990.